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How to make money with drawings


How to make money on drawings? After all, the artist is not just a profession, it is a real vocation. A person who puts his soul into creativity and is able to convey the idea to the target audience makes good money. But in the age of the Internet, it has become easier for creative people to make a profit and do what they love from the comfort of their homes.

There are many ways to make money on drawings. Try each method and determine for yourself its relevance.

What determines the amount of earnings

Authors have different income. Beginning artists get from 10 to 30 thousand 🪙, drawing 6-8 hours a day. But the salary of experienced authors reaches 100 or more thousand 🪙 for one work.

In addition to experience, the earnings of a professional artist on the Internet depend on the following factors:

  • Complexity. Because a picture with elaboration of details is a priori more expensive than a trivial schematic image with a minimum of nuances.
  • illustration type. Because character design for games or movies and advertising booklets pay more than book and magazine illustrations.
  • Volume. It's simple: the more you work, the higher the wages.
  • Urgency. Because customers are ready to pay for it from 50 to 100 percent of the cost.
  • Portfolio level. Because on the Internet you will find customers faster if you show them a large number of ready-made illustrations. But here's a tip for you: fill your portfolio with the best projects after the sale.
  • Foreign language skills. Because customers from Western countries pay generously in dollars, euros and other currencies that are valued above the ruble.

How to make money with drawings

Top 6 Ways to Make Money Online

There are many options for how to make money as an artist on the Internet and develop a business. Before you start, think about whether you are trying to sell your own images or create specific projects. But choose a direction and carefully follow the professionals in a particular field: view their webinars, master classes, training materials, subscribe to the newsletter. Because you need to define the target audience and their interests based on their skills, amount of free time and trends.

1 Microstocks (photo banks)

The simple answer to the question of how to make money if you can draw is to upload and sell illustrations on microstocks. They are specialized portals where authors post finished illustrations on the Internet for subsequent sale. Both novice artists and professionals are registered on the resources.

But it is important to remember: the cost of uploaded files on photobanks is low. But the low price is offset by the sale of one image many times, which significantly increases the income from creativity.

Microstocks sell and buy photographs, vector and raster graphics, 3D and Flash pictures. The benefits are obvious:

  • The ability to resell media files, increasing profitability.
  • Automated process. The sale via the Internet is made instantly, and funds are credited to the account of the performer. Because deceptions on solid platforms are excluded.
  • A large number of users.
  • Free schedule. If you draw at your convenience, then upload content to sell.
  • Career. On microstocks, the artist's rating grows depending on the number of works sold.
  • No problems with copyright infringement. Because all the pictures and photographs presented on specialized exchanges are licensed. The authors, photographers and models featured in the pictures give permission for the commercial use of the illustrations.

The main disadvantage of microstocks is the high commission. Because users get up to 60 percent of the sale. Another disadvantage is the difficult start. But experienced illustrators and photographers take away expensive clients, leaving cheap projects to competitors. Beginners have to wade from the bottom. And in the first months after registration, wages will be minimal. But microstocks are the best way to make money on drawings right now.

Opinion on microstocks

Tatyana has been working with photobanks since 2017. It is registered on the largest portals: Shutterstock, Dreamstime, BigStockPhoto and Fotolia.

“I have an economic education. Therefore, before registering on microstocks, I had to first learn Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. I studied at free courses, watched a lot of video tutorials on the Internet. To create illustrations, I bought an inexpensive graphics tablet. Because it is more convenient and cheaper than a laptop and PC.

Selling one illustration, I get from 25 cents to 10 dollars. My buyers are foreign clients, so I sign works in English. But, unfortunately, in the countries of the former USSR it is not customary to buy photographs and pictures on photobanks," Tatyana shared her opinion.

Large sites

New photobanks appear constantly. But users prefer to sell on trusted portals:

  • The world's largest microstock with over 20 million images in its database. Artists receive up to 60 percent of the sale for their work. And the administration annually pays a fee of 500 million dollars to registered users. But in order to sell on Shutterstock, you must pass an exam and confirm your qualifications.
  • The service is suitable for beginners and intermediate-level specialists. Because there is no need to pass difficult exams to work. But from the sold illustration, the author receives from 30 to 50 percent of the cost.
  • A portal designed for beginner designers and artists. DepositPhotos attracts with a simple interface and no registration difficulties. Because for work you only need to enter passport data.

Tip: first register on Dreamstime or DepositPhotos to evaluate your strengths and find your first customers. Those who want to earn income on Shutterstock take a difficult exam to confirm their qualifications. Not the name of the proper experience, you risk losing time by constantly taking tests.

2 Own blog or website

A good but more complicated method for making money as an artist. Developing your own resource requires money. But you are investing in a profitable business. You can limit yourself to a blog on social networks and Instagram. But you have to pay for promotion. If you want to save money, you can attract subscribers yourself. However, this will require a lot of free time.

You can earn income from a blog on the Internet in various ways:

  • Sell ​​ready-made illustrations.
  • Advertising cooperation with business representatives.
  • Sell ​​educational materials and creative life hacks. In the future, paid distribution of content from an expert is possible.
  • Conducting master classes.

Business pros and cons

The main disadvantages are complexity and time costs. It will take months or even years to attract the target audience. Either you hire employees to promote your blog or portal, or you put in extra hours. Successful people use at least four tools to promote a project: YouTube video hosting, a group on social networks (for example, VK), Instagram, and their own website.

Plus is obvious: high wages with the right approach. From the monetization of the channel on YouTube, advertising cooperation on VK and Instagram, the sale of educational materials, you can earn from 150 thousand 🪙 monthly. For example, an ad in a five-minute video can be sold for several thousand 🪙.


A young artist with the nickname Lindy spoke in her Medium column about the difficulties of promoting a profile on Instagram: “I tried to promote an Instagram account dedicated to art for six months. I was inspired by friends who managed to promote their own blog and gain thousands of followers. During these six months, I noticed that the target audience loves niche artists. CA appreciates constancy. If you are moving in a particular direction, then stick to it without mixing styles.

To sell, you need to post illustrations often. I was only able to upload new content once every two weeks. Therefore, six months later, I decided not to fill out the profile anymore. But at the same time, I can say that Instagram is a great place to promote a project. To attract subscribers, you need to: post illustrations often, interact with colleagues and do something that will please the target audience. Then sell more.

3 Development of website designs and mobile applications

In the modern world, the services of an artist are in great demand for the design of an IT project. For example, for the design of portals, a mobile application or game, an advertising banner. This method has a convincing advantage – high income. Large customers pay for one project from 100 thousand 🪙. You can fulfill both one-time orders and work at the headquarters of a large company.

But to get the job of your dreams, you need to:

  • Have good artistic ability.
  • Understand special programs.
  • Constantly contact with customers, stay online all day.
  • Get involved in mobile games, feel the atmosphere in which gamers are immersed.
  • Follow the trends and interests of the players in order to introduce new characters and locations.

The search for customers is carried out on freelance exchanges, specialized sites with vacancies, thematic forums. You can periodically visit the portals of large web studios in the hope of finding an advertisement for the recruitment of new employees.

How to make money on drawings – Opinion

Victoria Yaskunova, who has been working in the Krasnodar office of Plarium since 2017, told how to make good money by drawing . “Until 2017, I held a senior position in a creative agency. But she left this job in order to realize herself in the gaming industry and earn money with creativity. In two years, she has gone a long way from a novice employee to the head of a department of a mobile games development company.

How to make money with drawings

I draw for advertising and SMM, and also create in-game illustrations. My main tool is Photoshop. With the help of the program, I apply layers, create effects, embody an incredible picture from my head into reality. If I have to process 3D models, I use the appropriate software.

Artists who paint and sketch can easily enter the games industry, because they draw ideas from the world around them. And designers have to rethink their thinking. And you also need to play toys in the development of which you are directly involved. You need to understand this virtual world in order to then introduce new characters and game locations.”

4 Get a job as a designer

Companies need specialists who create booklets, posters, presentations, logos and sticker sets. To do this, the company's managers hire an employee in the state and pay him a salary. Such activities are suitable for people who draw well on a computer and are proficient in programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator, can process photos and create original collages, and also know the basics of typography and layout.

Advantages and disadvantages

Working for a company has four valuable benefits:

  1. Stable and high income. Because in a reputable company, inexperienced employees receive from 30 thousand 🪙.
  2. Perspectives. Because in the firm you "grow". And by doing well, you can look forward to rapid career growth.
  3. Official employment. Because you don't have to do odd jobs, plus you get a good pension.
  4. Solution of diverse tasks. Because the work in the state of the company is never boring.

Of the minuses, we note the need for processing, layout and layout. These are additional skills, in addition to drawing, that must be mastered to perfection. Because you need to master graphic editors, a tablet computer, and make up websites. If you are hired as an intern who only has the skills of an artist, you will have to spend at least six months adapting to the requirements of the company.

Where to find a job

You can regularly view vacancies on Avito, Yandex.Job, HeadHunter and SuperJob. If you have your own blog, it is easier to get a job in a company, as large customers will pay attention to you. Often “appetizing” vacancies come across in Telegram. Two popular channels: "Work in the field of art" and "Distance". Subscribe so you don't miss out on this great offer.

Earnings in drawings – Opinion

Natalia works in a studio that develops mobile games and applications. She told what knowledge and skills helped her find a job: “I graduated from college with a degree in Print Design. However, there I received only basic skills. I taught myself how to create images.

For a long time I have been working in a studio that produces and sells games and applications for mobile phones. I have diverse tasks: I have to create small graphics, interfaces and layouts for promotional materials. To get such a job, you need to combine the ability to prepare drawings with the skills of working with graphic editors. It is also necessary to improve your knowledge in the field of design and layout of interfaces.”

Fulfillment of one-time orders

How to make money with drawings

Firms often hire freelancers to perform one-off tasks:

  • Develop a corporate logo.
  • Create some illustrations for the presentation.
  • Decorate a wall in a restaurant.
  • Design creative advertising booklets or postcards.
  • Prepare a set of stickers.

But people registered on freelance exchanges choose the task at their own discretion. Because they are not tied to the staff of the company, which implies complete freedom of action. And there are two options here: find good and expensive customers and work with them constantly. Or take orders in your free time from your main activity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages: free schedule, the ability to choose an order, combination with the main work. Freelancers can take on a variety of tasks and improve in multiple ways. But there are also disadvantages: the lack of stable income, official employment, there are much fewer prospects for career growth.

Order search

Freelance exchanges and groups in social networks to help a creative person. Because it is pointless to search on portals like Avito. After all, there are very few worthwhile offers for designers and artists.

  • Freelance exchanges. Popular portals: FL, Freelance and Kwork. You register, fill in your portfolio and look for customers. Beginners may have difficulty finding it. But on the exchanges, each user has a rating that customers pay attention to. And they give the work to experienced freelancers.
  • Groups in social networks. There are interesting communities in VK where they offer work: “Looking for a freelancer” and “Order for design”. But many orders are also offered in Telegram channels. You can search for them, for example, in the Workzavr and CG Freelance profiles.


Decent pictures can provide good earnings on the Internet if you approach the issue correctly. An example of a competent approach is Evgenia Kartashova. “I chose freelancing and I earn from it. I create logos for companies, draw portraits of people, design communities in social networks, make prints for clothes, design art for games. I can take on the creation of holiday cards for various events.

I find most of the customers on GameDev. Created resume, completed portfolio. And now clients from different parts of the country are actively writing to me. Plus, word of mouth really helps. People recommend me as a responsible performer, which increases the amount of work. Therefore, I can get more profit, “Evgenia shared her opinion.


Five valuable recommendations for people who decide to make money on the Internet on their own drawings:

  1. Try all five ways, starting with stock. Specialists who earn today from 50 thousand 🪙 per month started with photobanks and continue to periodically sell illustrations there. But stocks provide stability at first and keep the illustrator interested.
  2. Start your own blog, Instagram profile or social network group. It does not matter where you work: in the office of a regional enterprise or receive one-time orders. Because your own blog or Instagram account will help you earn extra money. At least in advertising.
  3. Improve constantly. Trends are always changing. But today, customers pay well for author's memes, collages on a political theme, art for games and mobile applications. Therefore, follow the trends and improve in a particular direction. And read literature, watch a review on YouTube, attend webinars, watch streams.
  4. Don't expect big money right away. Get ready that in the first months you will have to work for 15-20 thousand 🪙 per month. But having received 2-3 solid and regular customers, you will increase your profit by 50 percent. Because a high rating on freelance exchanges and an abundance of positive reviews will provide you with a good and stable income. Then you will find a job in a reputable company. It is possible to simultaneously earn money on microstocks, for example.
  5. Follow the careers of professionals. Let's say you create logos and art for games. There are certainly people in this area who have achieved impressive success. Read about them, check out the interview. If they run workshops, be sure to sign up for them. Professionals will tell you in which direction you need to move.

How to make money on drawings – Summary

Important: in order to earn more, in any case, you will need a productive tablet or laptop, as well as a stable Internet connection. Spend 50-70 thousand 🪙 on technical equipment right away. There will be no significant costs in the future.

These are proven ways to make money on drawings on the Internet. But we also note tutoring, streaming, selling illustrations through an ad. Because these methods are not as popular as the five above. Try each of them, leave the options you like. And then improve in a specific direction and earn not only money, but also a positive reputation for future success.

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