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How to make money on popular services?


In the article we will talk about how to make money on the most popular services in both large and small cities. This area attracts aspiring entrepreneurs with low risks, no need for initial capital and an easy start.

A service business has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, you rarely need a lot of capital to get started. On the other hand, scaling without money is quite difficult. In addition, the big time costs can be attributed to the minuses.

In the article we talk about top services that are popular regardless of the location of the city.

Options for in-demand business services

The first is, of course, business automation. Each company seeks to get rid of the routine, reduce the time to perform typical tasks. Do not lose popularity CRM – platforms, applications for project management and customer interaction. There is a growing demand for time trackers and scheduling services for those who work remotely. Entering a similar market with a similar product is difficult, but if you develop something new, you will get high profits.

Secondly, this is everything related to corporate culture: trips, office relocation, team building, corporate events and even catering. You can start on your own and work from home, and then hire a team and rent an office. The competition is low enough that just good quality is enough for a young entrepreneur to stand out from the rest.

Finally, one of the most sought after are legal services. You will only have to invest your time and knowledge. Join a corporation or work with individual clients. If we talk about salary, then, for example, a legal opinion costs about 8,000 🪙, participation of a lawyer in negotiations is about 6,000 🪙.

Options for the most popular beauty services

The top one, both before and now, is the work of a make-up artist. This is a specialist who does makeup for weddings, advertising shoots, parties, etc. On the one hand, professionals in this industry have consistently good salaries: 7,000 – 10,000 🪙 for an image. On the other hand, a high proportion of finances and effort is spent on advertising, maintaining social networks, and consumables.

The work of a hairdresser, which is also in demand, is very similar in this regard. True, they still turn to him more often: we need a haircut not only for the holidays. The prices for the services of such a specialist are very high: in Moscow, coloring in a salon costs about 15,000 🪙, a haircut is a little cheaper. However, only 4,000 – 5,000 🪙 of this money goes into the pocket of a specialist, which is also not bad in general.

If you are interested in a no-investment option with a short learning curve, consider a manicure service. You will need to buy a few tools and a special lamp, but it will take no more than 15,000 🪙. Approximately the same will cost short two-week courses.

How to make money on popular services?

Services in demand in small markets

If you live in a small town, you probably know that people here are more practical. Open a construction equipment rental service: it often happens that it is unprofitable to buy a new one. It will be needed once and will only take up space. This is a good opportunity to earn extra money: for example, renting a screwdriver costs about 400 🪙 per hour. By renting it to at least 10 people, you can get 8000 🪙.

Another option: creating your own atelier. People constantly need to sew curtains or a wedding dress, repair clothes or adjust them to the right size. You can start with 30,000 🪙: this money is enough to buy a sewing machine and equip your workplace. The cost of tailoring in an atelier starts from 4,000 🪙, so the average earnings will be approximately 60,000 🪙 per month.

If you are ready for some hard enough physical labor and training for several months, make bio-fireplaces. There are many private houses in small towns, and often townspeople have dachas. You will have to spend about 40,000 on training, then make several fireplaces almost for nothing so that they know about you. However, all investments will quickly pay off: one fireplace costs about 60,000 🪙. You can get 300,000 by collecting 5 fireplaces. Net profit is about 200,000 🪙.

Popular Internet Services

A profitable, sought-after business can be organized without even leaving home. For example, try your hand at creating websites – for this you do not need to know programming languages. Use constructors like Tilda or CRM like Word Press. Simple sites cost about 15,000, more advanced sites cost about 35,000 – 40,000 🪙.

You can not only create websites, but also promote them or social networks. An SEO specialist or SMM manager earns about 70,000 🪙 per month or more. Of course, there are also many responsibilities: you need to draw up portraits of the audience, analyze data, and look for growth points for the company. The most important thing is to be able to set up ads and make ads that bring results.

Another option: infobusiness. Create an online school with a convenient personal account, interesting classes and homework checks. Make additional sales: manuals, guides, checklists. Quality materials will always sell well.

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