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How to make money on a children’s business


Anyone who has heard of benefits such as minimal start-up capital, government subsidies, and quick payback wants to know more about how to make money from a children's business. This is a profitable business that generates income even in unstable crisis conditions.

Another significant plus of this area is that it does not depend on the season. Children constantly need quality food, toys, entertainment and education. Many adults can save on something for themselves, but they will try to create the best conditions for the child. We talk about promising business ideas related to services and goods for children.

Organization of holidays, quizzes and quests for children

New Year, graduation, birthday, etc. – each of these events will be an occasion to organize a party. In order to plan such events for money, you need to have a good imagination, a large number of acquaintances and the ability to work in multitasking mode. Starting capital: from 20,000 for advertising and props.

School of Financial Literacy

Unfortunately, many schools rarely teach even the basics of how to manage money. If abroad in the middle classes they are taught to promote their ideas and create startups, then recently a small number of children imagine how to earn money. Initial capital: money for renting the premises, advertising and salaries for teachers.

Children's tourism

The main advantage is that you can start without starting capital. The main drawback is the huge responsibility and complex legislative regulation. Start cooperating with children's organizations and schools. Find interesting routes and think about what you can teach the children along the way. Maybe it will be a film school? Or can you show me how to start a fire without matches?

Photography for children

You can specialize in different things and shoot:

  1. extracts from the hospital;
  2. newborns;
  3. albums for kindergartens;
  4. albums for schools;
  5. reporting in children's sports clubs;
  6. family photo sessions;
  7. stylized fabulous frames.

You need to sincerely love children, because often they are very capricious models. You will have to learn to communicate with them in the same language, move all the time and catch “the same frame".

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