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How to make money for a young mother on maternity leave – the pros and cons


How to make money for a young mother on maternity leave? The Internet offers many options for earning money for young mothers. In this article, we look at the pros and cons of working on the Internet.

“How much will I earn while on maternity leave?"

The level of income is directly proportional to your experience, effort and time spent. Therefore, if you are a beginner, then try to find a way to earn money that will bring you pleasure. Otherwise, when learning a new business, you will receive little at the initial stage, and this can cause you to quickly burn out.

But there are other pitfalls in how to make money for a young mother on maternity leave – one of them is tempting offers. Do not rush to accept them. Most likely, these are scammers trying to make money on you.

How to make money for a young mother on maternity leave: the advantages of working at home

Before looking for how to make money for a young mother on maternity leave, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. Let's start with the good parts:

  1. No need to look for someone to leave the child with. By working remotely, you can save on a babysitter or pay for a place in a kindergarten.
  2. Flexible schedule. Since you are always close to the child, you can plan the work schedule, taking into account the schedule of his needs. And even in an emergency, when the baby needs more time (for example, if he gets sick), there is always the opportunity to make adjustments to the schedule.
  3. Ability to switch. For some freelancers, there is a problem of organizing their working time and space. The flip side of freelancing is that you “do not get out from behind the computer.” When you are passionate about something, you can forget about breaks, eat worse, and also move less. But when you are not just a freelancer, but a young mother, you are much more likely to take breaks from work and be “distracted” by the child.
  4. The employer will not reprimand you because you often ask for time off because you need to pick up your child from the pool, school, or just go out and walk with him.

Freelancing for a young mother is not just a way to replenish the family budget, but also a good opportunity for social adaptation of the postpartum period. But, again, it all depends not only on your personal desire to “get back in shape” as soon as possible. The age of the child, your mental and physical health, and living conditions are factors to consider when looking to work from home.

How to make money for a young mother on maternity leave: cons of home work

In the previous paragraph, we mentioned that working from home for a new mom is a good opportunity to switch from one activity to another. But if there are problems with time management, then this can become a problem and lead to even more stress. So look at the circumstances. Each case is individual. If you feel the strength in yourself for an additional load, the game is worth the candle. If there is a feeling that everything is at the limit, then it is worth the wait.

  1. If you do not know how to distribute the load during the day and feel overtired, working from home can turn from a source of income into “hell at home”.
  2. The second minus is your "home". Often a person who spends a lot of time at the computer for people whose activities are connected with something else, looks like a slacker. In addition, if there are other children besides you during the day, or your parents, for example, then they can distract you from work. In this case, it is worth setting a work schedule for the “home” ones and determining the hours when “mom cannot be disturbed.” But don't forget about breaks. Do not try to embrace the immensity.
  3. If you are one of those people who cannot build work on their own, then you should look for a freelance team that has a mentoring system. But it is difficult and in general, a rarity. Because it is much easier for companies, even with a staff of remote employees, to pay for courses where employees learn independence and self-organization than to hire mentors.
  4. If you do not have remote work experience, most likely at the initial stage your income will not be very large. But, again, it all depends on the choice of sphere. Maybe you, the young mother, in whom the software developer “sleeps”. In this case, by spending some money on courses and looking at the information that is publicly available on sites with the same courses, you will earn money by building websites, developing applications, or doing games for children. It all depends on your desires, natural inclinations and plans for the future.

Note: If the budget allows, you can spend your time not on work, but on study. Think about how now, with the advent of the baby, your life will change and what kind of work will suit you. If you lack skills, learn.
How to make money for a young mother on maternity leave: what profession to choose

How to make money for a young mother on maternity leave if you don't know where to start

There are many ways to make money online. Before headlong registering on freelance exchanges and grabbing everything in a row, evaluate your capabilities. Take the Career Test. Even if you have already done this, taking into account the fact that the freelance services market is constantly changing, and you are also changing as a specialist, it will not be superfluous to check which of your natural skills you have developed to the “pro” level and find out your weaknesses, to "pump" them.

What professions on the Internet are in demand in 2018:

  1. work with text:

  • copywriting
  • rewriting
  • translations
  • editing and proofreading of texts
  • transcription of voice recordings
  • writing books
  • advertising texts
  • writing term papers and dissertations.

2 Network marketing. It's not just about Oriflame and Avon. This is the sale of unique products from various catalogs. Moreover, goods can be of any direction:

  • dishes
  • cosmetics
  • clothes
  • Technics
  • hand-made products.

You can start a small business and produce goods yourself. For example, to create beautiful jewelry or other handicrafts. If you are not from "artisans", but from "salesmen", then the best choice would be to distribute those goods that you use. At the same time, if you sell products that you choose yourself, then potential customers will trust you more.

3 Master's services at home:

  • Mani Pedi
  • massage (with official certificate)
  • hairdressing services
  • visagiste

This is not a complete list of professions for which you do not have to get a job in a beauty salon or a specialized institution. But keep in mind that working in this way, you also officially have to report on your activities and pay taxes. But already according to a different scheme, different from the one that is valid for employees.

Read about the features of tax turnover in the article ” how to pay taxes as a freelancer “.

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