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How to blog in a telegram and where to look for copyrighted content


To understand how to blog on telegram, find an uninterrupted source of interesting content or articles on it. Did you know that creating unique content has become even easier in 2018? Do you want to know how? All the secrets are here, "lie" on the surface.

Author's content is considered more valuable than copying other people's thoughts. But, there are also successful channels that are promoted under the tag #AlienThoughts and share interesting information with the user. For example, the @postulates channel, which is promoted by posting postulates about business from famous people. By inviting users to take content and make reposts, the channel gets subscribers.

How to blog in a telegram and where to look for copyrighted content

But, back to the topic of the publication. How to blog in a telegram if you decide to do something of your own, but don't know how yet?

First, when you create unique content, you become an influencer.

How to blog in a telegram and what to do if you are not a pro

If you do not consider yourself a professional and do not know where the line is between expert opinion and general erudition:

  • Read at least one book a week on the topic you want to cover in your channel.
  • To create interesting content, fill yourself with interesting information Read, watch and listen to everything new on topics – personal growth, content, promotion.
  • You can practice before making video content in telegram by participating in Periscope streams.

For the future: Did you know that Telegram allows you to make videos longer than one minute?

We will touch on this in our lessons. 

And now – understand a simple thought:

The author's channel is very cool

If you are still at a crossroads, and do not know how to blog in a telegram, and about what? Get ready to be an author. Record video or at least record audio. It's fast and convenient. For example, typing this post is much more difficult and longer than saying the same information on audio.

For pumping: Learn to allocate your valuable time with benefit. You can sing these articles into the microphone for practice. Train and learn at the same time!

How to blog in a telegram if you can't decide on a topic

How to blog in a telegram and where to look for copyrighted content

If you don't know what to write about, choose the topic “success". She is always in demand.

An example of text for training or reading for publication in a channel on the topic “Success and Wealth”:

Friends! Today I read a book. Class! It's called Millionaire in a Minute. It tells how you can become a millionaire, as they say – “without anguish”. Create your own team and develop in several directions. The book is very cool. I recommend to everyone.

If you can't write reviews and don't have time to read books

At the end of each book there is a brief annotation from the series “what this book is about in a nutshell” and comments by famous personalities who have read it. Also at the beginning of books there is usually a lot of water. But you can still read the last chapter of the entire book. As a rule, it sums up what has been written – the main idea. This is enough for a post in Telegram.

How to blog on telegram and create content quickly

Structure of an ideal book review post (Suitable for a book review channel)

  1. On the back of the book – what this book is about;

2) Content;

3) The last chapter

Chip for the future: If you really want content from rare books, but there is no money for them – legal content theft

Do you often go to bookstores? Probably, lately for this too expensive pleasure? Look to bookstores for a quick way to get unique content!

Go to the bookstore. Find a book that contains the information you need, read the contents, the last chapter and the summary on the cover of the book – the post is ready.

Another bonus tip: There are a lot of channels that talk about interesting books. But there are much fewer pirate channels that give out “secret” information. But remember, when choosing a pirate theme for yourself, always study in detail not only holes in the law, but also existing penalties.

How to blog on telegram and create archives of your ideas

Create a telegram chat with yourself or a separate channel where you publish all the content, but not for public access, but for yourself. Let the "bank of ideas" always be at hand to use it at any time. If you don’t want to create content “on your knees” and objectively you are not an expert, talk about your life.

A personal channel or blog is not a medical history, but a source of income

How to blog in a telegram and where to look for copyrighted content

There are a lot of articles on the Web in the “psychology” sections that a photo of oneself (selfie), a photo of food before eating it, and other posts with details about personal life are signs of mental illness. We hasten to surprise you – people make money this way. They simply tell users of the social network about how they live.

It's unique. Personally. You are always the expert when it comes to yourself. Why not start profiting from it? If you have an interesting life, you will be watched, read, listened to and told to others.

How to blog on telegram about yourself and why it will be interesting

Private life is in demand. It's amazing and funny because it reminds me of the TV series – Santa Barbara and other stories about life. Only about real people. About you. This is a documentary series that will always be unique. Of course, only if you do not blindly copy some interesting channel. In this case, you most likely will not find an audience.

Copying other people's channels is a failure

Exception to the rule: Think of the Coca-cola and Pepsi brands: experiments have shown that people do not distinguish the taste of both drinks from different manufacturers in a blind test, and choose a product in stores, guided solely by their attitude to the brand, and not by what the drink itself is inside the can to taste.

How to blog on telegramif video content is a dark forest for you

Don't know where to start? Install the Periscope service application on your mobile phone and see what people are doing. You will understand that you can do better when you learn even more subtleties about new media and features from Telegram from our publications. But more on that in another post.

Did you enjoy being with us today? Write in the comments what you would like to learn, do you apply our tips and recommendations in practice? 

If you read to the end, and it’s not enough for you, find out how else to make money in Telegram in 2018.

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