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How much do you earn on instagram


Social networks have long ceased to serve exclusively as a platform for communication and information exchange. With their help, many make quite tangible money. The more popular the network, the wider the possibilities. The most attractive in terms of income is now the Instagram network. But how much do they earn on Instagram? Good question.

The popularity of the network is estimated by the number of users, while only the active audience is tracked. According to current statistics, the actual number of permanent, active users exceeds 500 million people. With such an audience, really great earning opportunities open up. There are several ways to get rewarded. And it is likely that in the near future we will learn about the new features of this popular network.

how to make money on instagram with likes and followers

What could be easier than to like or follow an account? These actions do not even require a promoted page with a large number of subscribers. Perhaps the only requirement is a completed, active, “live" profile. Account owners "buy" the audience, create an imitation of interest and activity, which means they are ready to pay for this simple work. For a like, you can get 0.5 – 1 🪙, from one ruble per subscription. But these figures are rather abstract – it all depends on the brand, goods and services, for the promotion of which they pay remuneration.

Of course, any "live" account must contain posts and comments, and their writing is evaluated differently. A comment or review can cost 20🪙, and an article and 500🪙 – it all depends on the artist's skill and the employer's budget. Special services (exchanges) announce an average amount equal to 1000🪙 per day – that's how much you can earn, starting with simple actions.

Is it profitable to be a blogger

The earnings of bloggers on instagram depend on several factors: the number of subscribers, the activity of the audience, its involvement, the popularity of the topics the author writes about. For example, if a blogger has up to 10 thousand subscribers, then he can take about a thousand 🪙 for advertising, with 100 thousand subscribers, the reward for advertising can reach 30 thousand 🪙. At the same time, bloggers who get into the TOP can get more than 100 thousand🪙

To increase the effectiveness of the blog, it is important to ensure that the audience is really interested in the topics and processes taking place in the profile, takes part in discussions, likes, shares information with other network users. A potential payer for advertising will not give money if the commentators of the posts are several regular users or the same person. The popularity of the page can be increased by free webinars, as well as live broadcasts. Thus, not every user can estimate how much bloggers earn on Instagram in exact numbers.

Read also: How to make money on TikTok: TOP 6 ways

About the quality of content

The advertiser will be interested in such an account, in which they publish really interesting, relevant and unique information. Texts (posts) should be “readable”, photos should be of high quality. Growing traffic will lead to passive income through advertising, but such promotion requires a considerable investment of time and effort. The key to success will be love for the author. If his opinion is evaluated as an expert, then the rating by advertisers will definitely grow.

But this type of earnings is not complete without “pitfalls”. In case of abuse of advertising, even the best blogger can fall off the podium and lose the interest of subscribers. By the way, a relevant and quite effective way to get money is to hold marathons. How much can you earn on Instagram on marathons? The numbers here depend on the subject and popularity. A two-week weight loss marathon can cost from 3 to 20 thousand 🪙 And these are just average values.

Sales of goods

The popular network has become an excellent platform for selling various goods. The main thing here is to find a specific niche. The more rare and unique the product, the higher the likelihood of attracting customers. But not all curiosities will be in demand. According to statistics, the following products are the leaders in sales:

  • skin care products (jars and tubes, which are dominated by natural ingredients, attract buyers);
  • handmade goods (bags, knitwear, sewn accessories for children, accessories, jewelry);
  • unusual, vintage wardrobe items, clothes of famous premium brands.

The sale of services is also quite profitable: for example, organizing holidays, delivering food, teaching languages, etc. How much money do these sellers make on Instagram? In this case, everything is individual, it is impossible to find open statistics. After all, no one is ready to admit what profit he has from the sale of certain goods.

SMM specialists: stable salary

Maintaining and promoting a profile created on a famous network is also an actual form of income. At what here it is already possible to count on a stable salary. But without certain skills, knowledge and experience, it is extremely difficult to get such a job.

A good SMM specialist copes with a large number of responsibilities:

  • attracts new "live" subscribers;
  • is engaged in the promotion of the profile, its promotion;
  • conducts advertising campaigns, sweepstakes;
  • encourages the audience to dialogue, discussion.

His responsibilities also include analytics, drawing up long-term plans for promotion and promotion. The work of maintaining (administrating) one profile can be estimated at 5-10 thousand 🪙 per month, and real pros have a stable salary, reaching 100 thousand.

Far from all the possibilities of the Instagram network are considered here, but even now we can safely say that making money in it is far from a myth. Some methods require certain knowledge, and less profitable ones are available to almost every laptop and smartphone user.

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