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🚀 Effective promotion: how to solve the main problems


Problems with promotion are a very common occurrence and there are reasons for it. The main reason is that in 90% of cases it is not ideas that are being transmitted, but thoughts. No one likes other people's thoughts, so, as a rule, their transmission is perceived as an act of aggression that is resisted. It is impossible to transmit thoughts, so there is no promotion.

The difference between ideas and thoughts is simple. The point is that an idea is the smallest element of the universe, what everything consists of. Everything in our world begins with an idea. The whole world consists of ideas. Some ideas have already been realized, have acquired matter and taken shape, while others are still just “floating in the air” and waiting for their turn. A person cannot create ideas, he can only catch, realize, embody, and transmit them.

In turn, a thought is something that a person generates. A thought is a product of a person. It is the result of the reflection of some idea from a person's consciousness. A person's consciousness is a person's basic idea, from which he, reflecting other ideas, receives thoughts. A thought is how a person understands the idea that has been implanted in him. It is a reflection of this idea. Each person has a unique basic idea, and therefore reflects other ideas through his unique thoughts.

How to identify promotion problems

How to identify promotion problems

Although people have unique basic ideas, they are also very similar to the basic ideas of other people. Therefore, very often people generate similar thoughts, reflecting on the ideas that come into them in a similar way. Based on this, it is concluded that since others have similar thoughts, this is how things are. In principle, this is how it is for these people.

This is where the main difficulty of promotion lies. But the problem is that a thought cannot be conveyed. You can make it appear, but you cannot convey it. In order for a thought to appear, a person needs to convey some idea. This is where the main difficulty of promotion lies. People who are engaged in promotion (marketers, advertisers, brandologists, salespeople, businessmen, startuppers and others) very often convey not an idea, but a thought.

The result is corresponding – zero, well, or close to zero. It is obvious that many promotion problems arise only because specialists do not use technologies and knowledge at all. For example, an audit allows you to understand whether a thought or an idea is being transmitted. The line between an idea and a thought is often thin, so a specialist should conduct an audit.

What's stopping progress?

What's stopping progress?

Let's look at a real example of an audit of an existing project using a legram. Its owner asked to conduct it. He was offered a demo version of the business legram. He answered 5 questions that are supposed to be in the demo version and returned it back for analysis. The analysis showed that, as it happens in 90% of cases, there is a transmission of thoughts, but no transmission of the idea.

Other people's thoughts are of no interest to anyone, so the entrepreneur's startup “slows down” in his own opinion. For example, the answer to question #1 contains the phrase “it started with the idea of ​​making the best cafe in the city.” This is not an idea. This is a thought. What is the best cafe? This is an abstraction. For some, the best is one thing. For others, something else. Therefore, this is not an idea. The transmission of a thought does not lead to the creation of clients.

An idea can attract like-minded people, but not clients. What idea lies at the heart of the market in which canteens are promoted, as well as the difference between an idea and a thought, you will learn from the second legram. As you can see from the filled-in legram above, the answer to each question is the thoughts of the canteen owner. Thoughts, but not ideas. This means that the canteen owner is not pumped up with the necessary idea, cannot broadcast it, and cannot create clients.

How to promote correctly

How to promote correctly

In principle, being pumped up by an idea is not exactly the owner's task. He may be pumped up by an idea, or not. If he himself is not engaged in promotion, then he does not need to be pumped up by this idea. You just need to have people on staff or outsourced who are pumped up by the idea of ​​goods or services and this will be enough to get the result.

But if the owner is engaged in promotion himself, then without pumping, he will not be able to promote his project or product. He must necessarily define the idea that underlies the market, and pump it. Then he will be able to broadcast it and create consumers. Receiving an idea, consumers pick it up and want to implement it. They need companies, projects, goods and services. The desire to implement an idea is the only reason for buying goods or services. There are simply no other reasons.

What is the idea behind this market? There are actually several ideas. One of the most common is the idea of ​​”saving your time”. When this idea worries a person, he turns into a consumer and goes where he can implement it. Depending on how much money a person has, how he is used to eating, what products he prefers, he already chooses the way to implement the idea.

Idea as a basis for effective promotion

Idea as a basis for effective promotion

Some people, in order to save time and not cook personally, simply buy hot dogs, some go to a canteen, some go to a cafe, and some go to an expensive restaurant with exclusive dishes. But they are all united by the idea of ​​saving their time. They can do everything themselves, but it takes a lot of time (buying products, cooking, washing dishes, etc.), which is not always available.

A person in whom an idea is implanted becomes a consumer or, in other words, a client. They pay money for not wasting their time, not for the fact of visiting. The idea of ​​”saving your time” is implanted in them. Under its influence, they look for ways to do this and choose one or another. It is this idea that makes them get up from their chair and go to a cafe or other place. Why is it important to promote an idea? Because the market is a collection of people in whom an idea is implanted. A person in whom an idea is implanted becomes a consumer or, in other words, a client.

If the idea is not implemented, then we are dealing with a simple person. He is not a consumer or a client, he is just a person and in order to sell him something, you first need to implement the necessary idea. After the idea is implemented, the person becomes a consumer and wants to implement it. To do this, he needs goods, services, companies. There are no other reasons to buy goods and services, or to contact a company, and there cannot be.

Basics of proper promotion

Basics of proper promotion

Promotion is essentially the dissemination of an idea. Understanding this helps to solve many promotion problems. The more people have an idea that causes demand for your goods, services and company, the larger your market and the greater your sales volumes. Each market has a strictly specific idea at its core. In order to create demand, it is with this idea that you need to work. If you do it differently, then known and new promotion problems will emerge and they will then have to be solved.

The goal of promotion is to make sure that the idea is as widely distributed as possible and is the first in the search results in a person's mind. The essence of the work is to spread the idea and make it a priority relative to other ideas. There are many ideas, but resources, primarily money and time, are few. Therefore, a person implements only ideas that are higher in priority. We can say that there is a hierarchy of ideas. The goal of promotion is to make sure that the idea is as widely distributed as possible and is the first in the search results in a person's mind.

The idea should be one of the first to come to mind. Then the chances of selling goods and services are very high. It seems to be simple in theory, but not so simple in practice. Why? Because the main problem of marketers, startups, advertisers, brandologists, businessmen is that they do not promote ideas, but their thoughts. Promoting thoughts by other people is considered as imposing one's opinion.

How to solve all promotion problems

How to solve all promotion problems

Nobody likes when someone else's opinion is imposed on them, that's why there are problems with promotion. The point is that it seems that you are promoting an idea, but in fact you are promoting a thought, imposing your view of the world on others. Nobody needs this. Analysis shows that 90% of failures happen only because there is no transmission of an idea, but there is a transmission of thoughts. A thought is a problem, and an idea is a ticket to a post-industrial economy.

Failures happen only because the idea cannot be promotedStartups, advertising, marketing and PR companies fail. Failures happen only because the idea cannot be promoted. An idea is your opinion. It is of no interest to anyone, because everyone has their own personal opinion. An idea, here it is, it is interesting to everyone, at least because it allows you to express your opinion. It must be broadcast. But in order to broadcast an idea, you must first collect it within yourself using the right legram.

Of course, you can wait until the pumping happens by chance, which usually takes 5-10 years. But clients won't wait, they want it here and now. They don't care who offers the idea, not the thought. They will choose the one who will solve the problems of promotion and do it first.

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