Earnings on affiliate programs: from scratch + ways + list of affiliate programs
Each of us dreamed of a simple and effective way to earn money. People tend to desire to receive money for performing simple mental or physical operations. Of greatest interest is the possibility of automatic execution of work. Today we will examine in detail whether it is possible to make money on affiliate programs from scratch.
Now, in the period of total virtualization, the way to make quick money on the Internet on affiliate programs has become easy to implement. Now almost everyone has the only technical resource necessary for this โ access to the Internet. So, you can make a profit on the Internet only with the effective use of a PC connected to the Web.
Earnings on affiliate programs offers financial resources in exchange for attracting a client base to certain projects. For attracting a customer base, most modern developing and widely developed services offer good rewards.
Affiliate programs โ what is it
The essence of the affiliate program is the payment of dividends / rewards / bonuses from the project for a financial transaction made thanks to the user's recommendation.
In a simplified form, the system functions due to the presence of specialized links, on which the actions performed will allow you to receive money from the affiliate program. The beginnings of such a system of "mutually beneficial partnerships", in which the "manufacturer-partner" system allows to bring benefits to both parties, has been functioning for a long period.
Usually the procedure was based on the basis of the โAgreement", which guaranteed payments and indicated certain rules for transactions. On the Internet, this model is simplified, which is why everyone can use it.
The principle of the "partnership" in everyday life
You, as a client, being satisfied with the results of some work performed, are willing to recommend a service/team/employees who have done a good job. In order to make a profit and "promote" a "group of masters", you sign an agreement according to which the clients who come from you will help you receive a certain percentage.
It is the recommendatory principle that underlies such a widespread distribution of affiliate programs, which, on a mutually beneficial basis, allow you to both make a profit and promote your own products in the market for goods and services.
The principle of working on the Internet is significantly different. For the better! It is more simplified and modernized to modern realities.
How to make money on affiliate programs on the Internet?
Earnings on affiliate programs from scratch is possible and most effective in the global web. You lose the problems associated with a long search for contractors, and you are not limited by the choice of services. You can enter into agreements even with those companies whose services you have not encountered at all.
Initially, you should examine the list of service offerings that offer a partnership agreement. Now there are a lot of such services: from all kinds of online stores to hosting or courses. Literally everyone needs to expand the client base, so you will make a profit for the services of a "PR manager".
Thanks to cookies, nicknames, personal identifiers, servers will identify clients who have followed your link. So, any actions within the resource and, in particular, the purchase of goods, will be rewarded by the service.
What determines the amount paid by affiliates?
Working with affiliate programs and the earnings that you can receive will depend on the services and goods that this or that service offers. So, informational trainings and conferences pay about half of the cost for each brought client. In general, there are a number of principles by which the amount of the final reward is determined:
- Cost of products or services sold;
- The specifics of the acquisition of goods;
- The breadth of use of the product;
- Markup percentage.
Affiliate programs to earn money often use an automated process of signing agreements and making a profit. This method is most typical for users who have a site or blog that is of interest to users.
Where to begin?
Earnings on affiliate programs from scratch should begin with a detailed study of many affiliate programs and affiliate offers. You must thoroughly study the nuances and features of the service in order to secure the receipt of funds. There are two main ways to get started:
- Free. It is based on your availability of sites that are of interest to users. Any blog, social network page or YouTube channel will allow you to promote the service you are interested in.
- Paid. It is based on the investment of money in advertising. You can buy posts in popular blogs or publics, order contextual advertising or even outdoor advertising. It is, of course, more risky and the deposit amount may not pay off, but this option makes your โpath from scratchโ faster.
Ways to make money on affiliate programs without a website
Earnings on affiliate programs without a website is possible, although many believe that advertising offers have their greatest weight in the public environment if they are published on personal sites.
Since the main principle of cooperation with affiliate programs is to attract customers, there are several ways to effectively implement these techniques. Of course, you can not use technologies prohibited by the agreement.
Often this includes spam mailings. In case of non-compliance with the rules of the Agreement, you may be blocked by the service, due to which you may not receive funds intended for the work performed.
Many people ask themselves: "How to make money on affiliate programs from scratch without a website?". Here are some possible technologies.
In modern society, almost everyone has personal pages that differ in audience size. And it is this page on the social network that can become a platform through which you will recommend the product.
You can even use a system of bots that will respond to comments with recommendations from certain services. This will save you time and make your work more efficient.
You can also create specialized interest groups, thematic pages, in which posts related to advertising of the service will appear at some intervals. The more interesting information you publish, the more readers you will get.
This means that the more users will take advantage of your recommendation, especially if you have a good reputation. So, social networks can become your gold mine, but this will only be possible with the proper use of the resources provided to you.
Guest posts
Earnings on affiliate programs without a website also involves the use of "guest posts". You can publish/sell articles of a thematic nature and use some service as a simple recommendation.
It will slip in the text as if by chance, in the position of personal experience or a small recommendation, but its function will be huge, as the reader will unconsciously develop an interest in the product or service you offer. You impose your opinion on the user, and if he does not notice this, then most likely he will want to go to the recommended resource.
The main principle will be the ability to qualitatively and interestingly express thoughts. The article should be interesting so that the advertising insert does not become too obvious against the general background.
In fact, you must write the article in such a way that its functionality is not lost even if information about the partner is eliminated: this is when you can be sure that the text is written as correctly as possible. But do not forget that the larger someone else's blog you use, the tougher the information policy of the resource will be.
Forums, communities and blogs
If you do not have your own website, you can use the commenting features on various forums, blogs, informative communities. The higher your profile rating, the higher the chance that your recommendation will be heeded. That is, the higher your authority in certain circles, the higher the chance that your recommendation will be heard.
Try to refer specifically to personal experience, appeal to facts from your autobiography (albeit fictional) in order to achieve the best effect when mentioning an affiliate program. It is the durability of your account, great experience in commenting that will allow you to earn more from cooperation with an affiliate program.
However, there are a number of forums and communities where links are not allowed. Then you can resort to the possibility of a personal communication recommendation. By leaving your contact details, you bring the reader closer to you, dispose him to further communication.
To make money on affiliate programs without a website, advertising is the simplest, but at the same time the most effective way. However, it is quite risky because, unlike the others, you will have to resort to spending money.
You are at a crossroads: take a risk and quickly gain an audience with the help of contextual / teaser advertising or methodically develop social networks, blogs, channels, etc. It is because of this that you should evaluate the profitability of this technology in your particular situation. You may not benefit from advertising at all.
You must also remember that the promotional offer must be intriguing and exciting, otherwise it will not work. The use of contextual advertising is more beneficial, as it is activated depending on the interests of the user. Such promotional offers are aimed specifically at potential buyers, which is why the global conversion of your offer will increase.
Press releases
Many sites allow free placement of small articles on various topics. After a brief tour of such sites, you can formulate a conclusion about the audience of the service, because of which you can evaluate the profitability of your article. You should use SEO-optimized texts, which are always more often issued in the Google search engine.
So, even the absence of a personal website will allow you to earn from affiliate programs if you can write compelling and useful articles. All methods: from mailing lists to the use of advertising services will be quite effective if you can identify the needs of the target audience of the recommended resource.
Working with affiliate programs
Earnings on the Internet on affiliate programs is characterized by a number of unconditional advantages:
- High profit. If you rely on the interests of consumers of goods, write convincingly and excitingly, then your income can reach even several thousand dollars, even with small contributions to promotion.
- Availability. Anyone can try to make money on affiliate programs. Working with affiliate programs requires only basic knowledge of a personal computer and basic terminology. You will receive the first income in the near future if you properly manage links and pages on social networks.
- Earning without investments! All you need is an Internet connection. You do not need any more expenses to get the first profit from affiliate programs.
- Free schedule.
- Training.
- Possibility of combined work. You can combine full-time work and work with an affiliate program due to flexible working hours. You, in fact, work for yourself and it depends only on you how much time you want to devote to this activity.
Mistakes that may occur while working with affiliate programs
- Inexperienced users should not resort to cooperation with services that offer expensive products. You should study the list of affiliate programs and choose the one/those that offer inexpensive but frequently used products. That is, the higher the demand and the lower the price, the easier it will be for you to understand the essence of working with affiliate programs.
- You should attract only the target audience of the service. People who accidentally visit the link or enter due to annoying advertising are unlikely to buy the product. This means that you will not receive a share of deductions from your affiliate program. It is recommended to use only thematic communities for such activities.
- You must be very familiar with the product or service you are recommending, otherwise you will not be able to describe the benefits of the product you recommend in sufficient detail.
What should not be forgotten before starting work with an affiliate program?
Often beginners confidently take on a large number of projects that are physically impossible to cover. It is recommended to cooperate with 1-5 affiliate programs to make it easier to systematize your actions. With a large number of affiliate programs, you will not be able to effectively cooperate with any of them, since it is impossible to simultaneously advertise a large number of projects at the same time.
Although your own site will allow you to bypass moderation and post an unlimited amount of information about the product, it is more effective to use several promotion methods to maximize the effect.
If you write articles just for the sake of the advertisement, it will be easy to distinguish them from really useful articles. Extraneous facts and a clear promotional nature are unacceptable even for a recommendation network.
Rules for working with affiliate programs
- It is more efficient to recommend projects on thematic resources. Departure from this rule will lead to the loss of the authority of your opinion.
- Thoroughly study and, if possible, purchase the advertised product in order to argue the merits in more detail.
- Study the terms of the contract before making a deal with the offer. Sometimes the best offers are only at first glance. The complex steps required may not be available to those new to the field.
- Use well-designed landing pages (special landing pages). They should be bright, elegant and attractive to visitors.
- Try to maximize your traffic sources by using a variety of product advertising resources.
- Diversify your sources of income! When you realize that most of the audience of the resources available to you took advantage of the recommendation, start collaborating with another project to increase profitability.
- Study the statistics of your income and link usage.
- Grow your own target audience. Get authority.
Earnings on affiliate programs โ choosing an affiliate service
When choosing an affiliate program, you should take care of the novelty and uniqueness of the service you recommend. The more unique the product, the less competition there is in the market for that product.
- Sign an agreement only with those companies whose products cannot be found in a free form. Most courses, essays, articles can be found absolutely free on the Internet.
- Focus on the prospect of long-term cooperation with the service.
- Focus on the percentage of deductions from the affiliate program. The higher it is, the more profitable cooperation with the service.
- It is safer to negotiate with services that pay commissions regularly. The rarer the payments, the greater the chance that you may not be paid.
- Choose services that have promotional materials and promotions. This will provide the resource with popularity and reliability, and you will get a big profit.
Types of affiliate programs
There are several types of affiliate programs:
- PPC Pay Per Click . When a visitor clicks on an ad, the webmaster receives a certain amount of money in his account.
- PPV Pay per impression. Site owners will earn a profit for the number of views of the advertising offer. Usually there are systems that pay for every thousand views. In more rare cases, each viewing separately.
- PPS Pay per sale. The webmaster receives dividends only if the user, who came through the affiliate link, purchases a certain product.
- PPL Pay for actions. The reward will be paid for any contact action made by the user. From registering to downloading a file, from completing a survey to viewing an ad, every action will be rewarded.
List of affiliate programs
For more effective earnings, you should divide the list of affiliate programs according to the areas of products they offer. Let's name the most famous.
- Air tickets are sold by Aviasales, Jetrader, Skyscanner, One TwoTrip.
- Car rental is typical for Economybookigs, AutoEurope, MyRentacar.
- The largest partner programs dealing with hotels are Hotellook, Booking.com, Agoda, Hotels.com.
- They specialize in insurance: Tripinsurance, Strahovkaru, Cherehapa.
- Tours are sold by Onlinetours, Misto.Travel, Level.travel.
- The largest affiliate programs are Everad, Alfaleads, Lucky.Online, 3snet, inADS, AdWool, Makemobi, RichPush, Realpush, Webwap, Moneysyst, SalesDoubler, Advertise, Himba, Buruki, LetMeads, Edugram.
The list of affiliate programs is quite wide, since every topic in which you could have some fundamental knowledge is used by sales agents, so everyone can realize themselves as a competent user of affiliate programs. Availability and high theoretical earnings make affiliate programs one of the most effective ways to make money on the Internet.