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As always be “with the money.” Step-by-step instruction


Anyone can face financial difficulties:

  • And it does not matter what kind of income you receive – tens or hundreds of thousands of conditional units.
  • If you easily part with money and are completely unfamiliar with the rules for increasing it, then at any time you can fail (and be left alone with your empty wallet).

In this article, we will talk about how to learn to be “friends" with money and handle it correctly – in order to forget about financial problems forever, gain prosperity and material well-being.

As always be "with the money." Step-by-step instruction

Do not lose heart if right now you are experiencing a shortage of money.

You can always fix this and quickly improve your financial affairs if you follow these simple rules:

1) Learn to value money.

There is an opinion that rich people spend money on anything. But this is far from true:

  • “Nothing falls from the sky” – they would not be wealthy if they did not know how to handle money wisely, accumulate and skillfully increase it.
  • If you're quickly spending all your paychecks, then it's time to take a serious look at your day-to-day financial habits.

After all, the very first and most important step on the path to big money and wealth is to learn to respect and value your money.

2) Add pragmatism to spending.

People who part with money easily are often called "generous." However, from the point of view of personal finance, this is rather a manifestation of extreme irresponsibility and banal squandering:

  • The habit of "littering" with money is a direct path to the eternal lack of money (poverty).
  • No wonder excessive addiction to shopping is considered a disease called “shopaholism”.

Getting rid of this addiction, pulling a person into a financial hole, is sometimes not easy, but possible with a strong desire.

3) Set aside 10% of income.

Even the ancient sages advised to save a tenth of each of their income. 

But most people didn't heed that advice then, and they don't heed it now.

That is why there are so many people around us who have been living for years and decades with an empty wallet and huge debts.

4) Practice healthy moderation.

As in any business, excessive self-restraint in handling money can lead to the opposite result – to a psychological breakdown and a waste of all the money saved.

  • So don't be too hard on your spending.
  • To please yourself with something pleasant will also sometimes be extremely useful for your wallet.

PRACTICE. Let's move from words to deeds.

To build a good, stable relationship with money, do the following:

1) Pay off existing loans quickly and never take them again. Otherwise, all the money you earn will be spent on paying off loans instead of investing.

2) Gather your family for "Financial Council" and make a plan for your upcoming expenses for the next month. At the same time, your income must exceed your expenses. Put the “Savings and Investments” column in the budget and send 10-20% of your income there every month.

3) Money must work. After accumulating a "financial cushion" start investing. To do this, regularly buy currency, stocks, precious metals and other financial instruments.

These steps will allow you to gradually form an impressive financial capital, the income from which will fully support you and your entire family.

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