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📢 Advertising Tips: How to Sell More


The advertising tips offered in this article cost a lot of money. They are very expensive. So it is recommended to read them from beginning to end. This way you will please not only me, but also yourself. With these tips, you will, firstly, reduce your advertising costs. Secondly, you will increase the return on investment. Thirdly, you will understand that advertising can still be effective.

The first piece of advice on advertising is maximum marketing. Without it, billions of dollars are wasted on advertising, like in dry land. For example, dozens of clients have recently contacted me after their budgets were wasted. Wasting money without marketing is due to the fact that without it, advertising is not customer-oriented. It is ideal not just to launch marketing, but also to develop a marketing strategy.

If someone gives you advice on advertising your products or services without taking marketing into account, drive such specialists away. The second piece of advertising advice in this regard is to hire only specialists who understand marketing. Only a specialist who understands marketing can get into the client's head. Only advertising that can get into the head will bring clients.

Million Dollar Advertising Tips

How to make a million on advertising

One of the most problematic advertising tools is contextual advertising. It is often used to waste tons of money. Only the correct configuration of contextual advertising can help avoid waste. Therefore, the third piece of advice is that contextual advertising should be 100% systemic. This means that the titles, descriptions, additions and everything else should be within the framework of one system.

the fourth piece of advice – advertise according to the AIDA formulaHowever, the system does not end there. Complete system is the compliance of advertising with the AIDA formula. Advertising works only when it takes the client through all the stages of this formula. As you already understood, the fourth piece of advice – advertise according to the AIDA formula, or do not advertise at all. Only a client who has gone through all 4 stages is ready to buy your goods or services.

The fifth piece of advertising advice is to learn the theory. Most likely, you didn’t even know that there was an AIDA formula. Even if you did, there’s a 99% chance you didn’t use it. This formula is one of the main factors of proper advertising. There are hundreds of such factors. And it’s important to know as many of them as possible. Therefore, read more articles on advertising. You will learn a lot of very interesting and useful things from them.

How Advertising Generates Clients

Advertising as a client generator

The sixth piece of advice is also very important. It is that you shouldn't rely on advertising 100%. It is not a magic wand. For example, if you have a bad website, even the strongest advertising will not be able to sell. Having landed on a bad website, a person can be very upset and advertising will even play a minus. A negative effect can also be in other cases. For example, if you have a bad product or service.

That's why it's hard to make a website that sellsIf you have a bad product or website, you don't need advertising advice. You need advice on how to improve it. The seventh tip is to develop marketing thinking. Without it, it's hard to understand what customers want. That's why it's hard to offer what they need. That's why it's hard to make a website that sells. That's why the advertising ends up being the kind you spend huge amounts of money on.

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