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7 facts about personal finance


Some of this you have already heard, but the rest you did not know. I hope the information is useful. I collected facts about personal finance, that is, about everyday things that occur in the life of an ordinary person.

1) Credit history can be found out 2 times a year for free – no matter in which credit history bureau (BKI) it is stored. You can find out which BKI your history is in through the State Services. And then you have to contact the BKI and get a credit history online or in person at the office.

2) You can use a credit card and not pay a penny to the bank for it. Almost all banks have promotions with free service to new customers on a credit card. And then you need to use the card only during the grace period, that is, return the money for 1-2-3 months, when the bank does not charge interest.

3) Pensions and salaries of state employees do not have to be received on a Sberbank card. It just has to be a Mir card, and many banks issue it. Moreover, it is often possible to issue a free Mir card in addition to the main card online – through the application. That is, you don't even have to go to the office.

4) If in an online store or on any site when paying for a product or service there is a window for a promotional code, then in 99% of cases you can find such a promotional code yourself. And pay less. Just type " site name promo codes" in Yandex or Google. Usually in the results you find several promotional codes at once – and some of them are quite valid.

5) Bank employees can actually call customers. Due to phone scammers, many users think that every caller "from the bank" is automatically a scammer. But real employees in 99% of cases will call to sell you a loan, credit card or other service. So you can safely not enter into a conversation and hang up.

6) The best discounts and promotions in stores are usually for durable household goods. So, if you follow the promotions, you can only buy toothpaste, washing powder, dishwashing liquid cereals and so on at a discount.

7) It is better to plan travel during a pandemic close to the right dates. It used to be profitable to buy tickets and pay for accommodation in advance. Now the rules and restrictions are constantly changing, not only abroad, but also inside recently. Therefore, you can lose money, because the trip will become impossible or unnecessary (for example, QR codes will be introduced in the region, but you don't have one).

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