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Work for teenagers: how to find + is it real


Work for teenagers โ€“ is it real?

Every teenager wants to have pocket money for personal expenses: go to a cafe, hang out with friends or buy a new gadget. A reliable way to get them is to earn them yourself.

In this situation, all the funds received belong to the child, and he can spend them at his discretion. Boys and girls often wonder how to find a job for a teenager. It is worth studying what nuances exist in terms of the labor of minors, and what factors to pay attention to before starting work.

Work for teenagers: how to find + is it real

Can teenagers work independently?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that children have the right to start working from the age of 14. However, there are a number of restrictions on the number of years and the specifics of work.

The first thing to remember is that:

  • teenagers aged 14-15 can work no more than 5 hours a day;
  • children from 16 to 17 can work up to 7 hours.

If the part-time job falls on study time, then the norms are as follows:

  • no more than 2.5 hours for children 14-15 years old;
  • no more than 3.5 hours for 16-17 year olds.

It is also important not to forget about documentary evidence of labor, even if it is a part-time job. Before starting work, the child goes through the procedure of official employment, and acquires a work book. There are no probationary periods for teenagers. If the employer says otherwise, it means that he is trying to break the laws and it is not worth cooperating with such a person.

How to find a job for a teenager

There are jobs for teenagers in many areas, so you should not limit your search to one direction.

The main options where you can look for vacancies:

  1. employment centers. During the summer, they often run full-fledged teen employment programs, so if you need temporary part-time work during the holidays, it makes sense to ask them about available vacancies.
  2. Social Security. They offer teenagers to earn money by helping pensioners or other people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The vacancy implies an important advantage โ€“ decent pay and there is no risk that the employer will not pay for the days worked.
  3. Search by acquaintances. Good places to work are transmitted by word of mouth, so if there are other teenagers and their parents in the circle of acquaintances and friends, it is worth asking for information about places for employment.
  4. Through the Internet. This is a simple method available to everyone. On the network, you can browse many sites with vacancies in your hometown or even find a decent part-time job online.
  5. Through advertisements and newspapers. The method is outdated, but, nevertheless, in demand. It is worth checking out the local classifieds column or writing a note about finding a part-time job yourself.
  6. Walk through local shops and supermarkets. The demand for young workers increases closer to the summer period, teenagers can help with packing products, cleaning the hall or laying out goods.
  7. Go around local eateries. This is a reliable option, because cafes and fast food restaurants are constantly in search of new candidates. The main thing is to remember your rights and not allow the employer to violate them.

The largest number of offers appear from the beginning of May to the end of August, so if a teenager decides to devote his free time to making money, you should start monitoring resources with vacancies in advance. Good places do not stay in the feed for a long time, they quickly find candidates.

What to consider when choosing a job

Many nuances depend on the age of the young worker: at 17, there is much more room for choice than at 14.

However, the basic rules for finding a job should be known to every minor who plans to raise money on his own:

  1. First of all, the child evaluates the possibilities and his own advantages, not every work can be done, sometimes the work is exhausting or the schedule greatly loads the usual schedule. It is important to immediately understand whether the labor at the chosen place will be affordable and whether the teenager meets the requirements of the employer.
  2. It is important to carefully study the basics of the company, on what factors they are based when searching for candidates, then the interview will go more smoothly.
  3. It is better to come to a meeting with the employer in a neutral way, without bright clothes and catchy makeup, even if in life a teenager prefers this style.
  4. It is advisable to get a resume, despite the fact that there is still no experience and nothing to tell about yourself, you can profitably present your best sides to the employer and how they will be useful in the position where the child is employed.

It is also important to remember that you should communicate with potential bosses in a neutral tone. The use of slang expressions, obscene language is not allowed. Even if the employer did not give the impression of a pleasant boss, he can be a responsible and loyal person in his business.

Standard types of work for a teenager

Work for teenagers: how to find + is it real

Work for teenagers does not provide for a busy schedule or serious physical activity. Experience like this in traditional jobs can be a good start to building the right skills.

The benefits of this work:

  • every teenager, getting into a new team, gains experience in building relationships with people of different ages and superiors, this will come in handy in the future;
  • regular mental and physical activity, even if a young student earns only a couple of hours a day;
  • the teenager receives his first funds earned on his own. He begins to realize the value of money, learns to properly dispose of them.

Even a light part-time job for a couple of weeks will give the teenager skills and open up new facets in the formation of a mindset. It is worth considering the main vacancies where children from 14 to 17 years old are willingly taken.


This job is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to part-time work. Cafes and catering establishments easily provide jobs for minors, because often they are constantly in need of new labor. It is believed that teenagers are hardworking, responsible and easily adapt to a new job.

The minimum rate for waiters is 150 ๐Ÿช™ per hour, some establishments offer higher pay. Tips will become an additional source of income โ€“ conscientious waiters earn more on tips than on salary.

Assistant at a fast food restaurant

Establishments selling fast food often hire teenagers as additional helpers in the kitchen or in the hall.

The child can do the following:

  • clean tables or wash dishes;
  • be a cook's assistant on light assignments;
  • arrange dishes on racks;
  • clean up the surrounding area.

Important! A teenager will not be allowed to work with a cash register, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, minors are prohibited from being responsible for money.
Most often, such work is paid at a rate of 130-160 ๐Ÿช™ per hour. If the employer offers lower wages, you should look elsewhere. Some unscrupulous bosses try to exploit the labor of young workers at unjustifiably minimal rates.

Display of goods

Merchandisers are rarely out of work. Each supermarket needs a person who will monitor the correct display of goods, track expiration dates, and fill in missing items on the shelves. Despite the fact that such work requires care and responsibility, it is often entrusted to underage workers who want to earn extra money in the summer.

A teenager should demonstrate attentiveness, responsibility and accuracy. Some employers hire mostly girls for this position, believing that they will do better.
At such a job, they earn up to 15,000 ๐Ÿช™, even when taking into account part-time employment.


Almost every teenager at least once tried to earn money by distributing leaflets, posting ads, placing booklets in mailboxes.

Most often, teenagers are offered two types of promotion:

  • work on the street, this is the distribution of advertising booklets to passers-by, posting ads;
  • product promoter, these young workers invite potential buyers to taste products.

Payment for such work ranges from 150 to 200 ๐Ÿช™ per hour, it all depends on the employer and his responsibility.


For small assignments, underage workers are most often hired, because often only they agree to travel around the city for relatively low pay. They are trusted with the delivery of goods from online stores, food from cafes and public catering, documents and other paper products. For one part-time day, young workers receive from 500 to 1000 ๐Ÿช™. The costs of transport and communication services are always compensated by the employer.

Most often, the services of temporary employees are required on weekends, holidays and during working hours. Such a schedule is suitable even for schoolchildren.


This position is open to children aged 16 and over. Most often, girls take on the work of animators: they like creative activities more, besides, they are artistic and find contact with young children more easily. It will be easier for those who have additional skills, such as:

  • choreography;
  • plastic;
  • acting skills;
  • ability to show tricks.

A reliable and safe way to get a job as an animator is to contact holiday agencies. It can be difficult to find customers on your own, moreover, many adults are distrustful of teenagers who want to earn money, for whose actions no one is responsible.

With regular work, boys and girls easily earn 13,000-16,000 a month, payment here depends on the workload of the schedule and the number of holidays spent.

Amusement staff

Amusement parks recruit underage employees every summer for the position of ride operator.

The employee will have to perform simple actions:

  • fix the time of the rides;
  • check the tickets of vacationers;
  • be responsible for safety during the operation of mechanisms;
  • give out roller skates, bicycles;
  • be responsible for the play of kids on children's trampolines and playgrounds.

To hire for such a vacancy, it is enough to contact any employee of the park, they will tell you with whom you can discuss the issue of employment. You can earn from 10,000 to 15,000 ๐Ÿช™ per month.

How to make money online as a teenager

Work for teenagers: how to find + is it real

Working for teenagers on the Internet has a lot of advantages:

  • the child is not tied to a schedule, can work at any convenient time;
  • income depends entirely on the amount of time worked;
  • a teenager can at any time refuse to work, he is not bound by any obligations.

But it is also worth considering that under such circumstances, you will not be able to earn a lot at once. Most young workers at first receive 3000-6000 ๐Ÿช™ per month. In addition, the risk of being left without payment is high: the absence of obligations also applies to the employer. You will have to spend time looking for a reliable place to earn money.

The more experience a teenager gains, the easier it will be for him to earn money and the higher the rate will become.

Basic ways to make money online

If your child wants to make quick and easy money, consider the following options:

  1. Passing paid surveys. For one survey, they pay from 50 to 500 ๐Ÿช™, depending on the size and complexity. Passing a dozen of these questionnaires a day, you can earn your own penny and subsequently withdraw it to a card or electronic wallet.
  2. Internet surfing. For clicks on the network, money is also paid, albeit small. The child has the opportunity to accumulate from 500 to 600 ๐Ÿช™ in one day by clicking on links and browsing pre-specified sites.
  3. Likes and reposts. Some employers pay money for likes to posts and posts, reposts, subscriptions to groups and forums. If a child likes to spend a lot of time on the Internet, such a method of earning will help him combine business with pleasure.
  4. Enter captcha. An ambiguous method of earning, they really pay for entering certain combinations of letters and numbers, but mere pennies. You won't be able to earn real money here. Only with long and hard work.
  5. Paid Reviews. On the Internet, there are often customers who are willing to pay for reviews of goods and services. It is enough to write a detailed and believable comment, and if the customer likes it, he will pay for it.

You can also view vacancies on platforms such as Yandex Toloka and YouDo. Often, employers there do not care about the age of the performer, they are ready to entrust the order to any responsible person. Employees receive up to 1000 ๐Ÿช™ per day, but you will have to constantly look through the order feed in order not to miss the most interesting ones.

More profitable online jobs

Those who are ready to work hard are offered more serious work for teenagers on the Internet. To earn income, you will have to seriously try and devote enough time to the lesson. You won't be able to make big money right off the bat.

Create groups and channels on the Internet

If surfing the Internet is your favorite thing, you can combine business with pleasure.

A teenager can:

  • create your own YouTube channel or group in another social network;
  • fill the page with quality content;
  • promote the profile in every possible way, advertise it;
  • monetize your account.

Monetization occurs through the introduction of advertising in the content. This can be unobtrusive promotion of goods through text posts or advertising integration in videos. The more popular the page, the more money you can get from it.

Referral programs

Some founders of popular sites and forums are willing to pay to attract new people. By concluding a cooperation agreement, you can invite a new audience and receive interest from this.

It is worth mentioning right away that attracting working referrals is considered preferable. But those who are interested in it earn good money.


There are dozens of exchanges on the Internet that offer work for both beginners and experienced copywriters. At first, a teenager will be able to earn some pocket money. But if you take this matter seriously, you can gain experience and find more profitable customers.

You can also search for customers directly, bypassing intermediaries. But it is important to take into account the risk of such cooperation, not everyone manages to reach conscientious people the first time who will not be left without payment.

Moderation of groups and pages in social networks

The more an account or group has an audience, the more difficult it becomes for its founder to keep order, manage conflict situations, and monitor the correct placement of advertising. Then a vacancy opens up for the position of another administrator or moderator. Most often, several people are hired, each of which follows a certain direction:

  • some are responsible for placing advertisements and viewing new proposals for cooperation;
  • others work with a team;
  • others keep order, ban aggressive individuals and settle conflicts;
  • the fourth are responsible for the content and its quality.

On this, teenagers earn up to 10,000 per month. The more popular the page or account, the more responsibilities are attributed to the person, respectively, and the payment becomes higher.

Earnings on photobanks

This job for teenagers online is suitable for creative individuals who like to take pictures and have equipment. The bottom line is this: a young worker takes thematic pictures, then puts them on photobanks and waits for his content to be purchased. The higher the quality of the work, the faster the child will increase his reputation and become a popular seller. For such individuals, new pictures are taken apart in a matter of days.

Important! Keep in mind that creating content will also take time. You will have to regularly come up with themes, look for locations and compose compositions. This is the only way to attract a large number of potential buyers.

How to earn money as a teenager through the Internet

Work for teenagers: how to find + is it real

Whatever field of activity a young worker chooses, it is worth considering a few important tips to help achieve the best result:

  1. It is important to focus on something specific. You should not grab onto everything, it is better to choose one activity and improve in it.
  2. In order for the work to be more productive, it is worthwhile before it starts to draw up a clear plan for yourself and decide on the goal. This increases productivity and motivates you to spend more time on your work.
  3. Do not pay attention to someone else's opinion. Adolescents often face ridicule from peers or condemnation from relatives. They are told that they are wasting their time on nonsense and nothing worthwhile will come of it. If you like some area of โ€‹โ€‹online income so much that you want to devote a lot of time to it, it's better to stop looking at others and get down to business.
  4. Failure is no reason to abandon a goal. Not everyone can immediately achieve success and become professionals. There is nothing wrong with failure.
  5. You shouldn't trust everyone. Experts recommend taking prepayment from customers when it comes to direct cooperation without intermediaries. You should not be afraid to defend your rights, even in the absence of experience and special skills.
  6. Work should not interfere with study and normal life. Earning money at a young age is a great support, but you should not neglect your studies and stop communicating with friends and family.

You can start making money online at any age. This type of income has much less restrictions than employment in a regular job. It is important to approach the process competently, not to be afraid to defend your rights and try new things. On the Internet, everyone is promoted on an equal footing, and teenagers compete with adult freelancers. Professionals started small, so a business that brings a penny today will become a stable income in a year.

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