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Search engine promotion: internal text optimization


If you have a useful product or service, potential customers should find out about you: for this, there is a promotion in search engines of sites, landings and advertisements. Optimize your online resource so that more people know about you. How to do it? All important changes start from the inside, so first, figure out how your site works and what elements of it affect search rankings.

Promotion in search engines: how robots will like it

Search engine promotion: internal text optimization

In order for search robots to notice you, several factors must converge:

  • Content uniqueness
  • Microdata
  • Site structure
  • Page loading speed
  • Usability
  • Linking
  • Social buttons
  • Thefts.txt
  • tags
  • Meta tags
  • Duplicate pages and titles
  • Semantic core

Don't be scared right away. We will analyze all these terms and touch on each item, each of which will gradually turn into a link to a detailed article. But first, let's dwell on the last point, which is one of the first in search engine optimization.

The influence of the semantic core on promotion in search engines

Golden rules for simplicity of optimization:

1 Use 2 keywords for one page of the site;

2 When you embed key queries in the text, highlight them in bold or italics.

3 By the way, did you know that the higher the text is placed on the page, the easier it is for search engines to find it?

But back to keywords. The semantic core is assembled based on queries that users make. One of the most popular key picking programs is Yandex.Wordstat. Some optimizers also use the Mutagen service, but its free version does not allow you to request more than 10 keys per day.

Promotion in search engines depends on low-frequency keywords and their direct occurrence

Search engine promotion: internal text optimization

Now we will explain everything.

Choose low frequency keys. What does this mean for you? In order for your unique text to rise in the search results, do not use words that request a lot and often.

For example, we drive in a search query: “Website promotion" and get 100,715 impressions per month. If you use this phrase as a key, you will never read this article. Only if we don't send it directly to your mailbox via push mail.

To help you read this text, we are narrowing down the query to a more precise one: “Search Engine Promotion”. 728 impressions per month is a less competitive request than the previous one, isn't it?

We are working with him.

The key, as you can see, is contained in the header. It stands at the very beginning of the phrase ” Promotion in search engines: how robots help to find customers.” This is called direct entry. When we do not decline words and place them at the beginning of the text. So robots find them faster.

And yet, do not forget to highlight the keys.

Direct entry is also recommended for the first sentence of your unique text. And it will not be superfluous to use the key in subheadings inside the text.

If you use WordpPress for your website, there are two SEO plugins to consider: Yoast Seo and All In One Seo Pack.

Under the text, you can enter the settings for search engine optimization. They include manual entry of Title, Description and keys separated by commas. At first glance, items such as “Seo Title”, “Meta Description” and “Focus Keyword” are duplicates of the previous ones. But it's not. Do not be lazy to fill them all every time you place a new text on the site page. Also try to write different Description, meta description and titles.

So optimizing your page from the inside will be more natural than if you drove in information on a copy-paste basis.

Don't forget about images for text. They also need to be optimized. The main points that you should not forget about: Title and Alt.

If you already have a website, check the already published pages – are they optimized enough? Seo plugins and our simple recommendations will help you with this.

To be continued…

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