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๐Ÿ“ˆ Sales Growth: How to Increase Income by 300% or More


A world where there is no one is a great world. It is quiet, calm and nothing needs to be done, there is no need for strategy and marketing. And its most important advantage is that no one interferes. However, such a world is not for business, it is simply impossible there. Impossible because business needs people. Without people there are no clients, and without clients there is no business. The more clients, the better, because business is movement, eternal movement. Any stop is the death of business.

In order for there to be no stop, you need clients. You need thousands, millions, and preferably billions of clients. The more clients, the more actively the business develops, because it was born precisely to develop and bring profit. There is no point in a business that is standing still. Movement is life. Business must move. Business has potential, and it must be realized. If the potential is not realized, then the business feels bad and is in pain.

To realize potential, you need new opportunities. The more new opportunities, the better the realization of potential. Moreover, you need to know about new opportunities before your competitors do. To get to new opportunities before your competitors, you need to run faster than them. However, running for the sake of running is pointless. Such running is guaranteed to deprive you of strength, but it is not a fact that it will give the desired result.

Marketing strategy shows where to go

Marketing strategy shows where to go

The race should be run where new opportunities are most likely to appear. The race is won not by the one who makes the most movements, but by the one whose movements are purposeful, who has the best and strongest starting position when starting the race. Marketing strategy is the only way to ensure the strongest possible starting position for the race to new opportunities.

Marketing strategy is not only the best and strongest position in the race for new opportunities, but also a powerful internal core of the company, which makes the business much stronger. A company that has a marketing strategy is always guaranteed to beat its competitors in the race for new opportunities. This is achieved due to the fact that the marketing strategy gives the company:

  • precise and clear answers to 99% of questions;
  • clear route to business development;
  • the most profitable direction for realizing potential;
  • a calm atmosphere in the team;
  • efficient use of resources and cost reduction;
  • self-confidence;
  • confidence in the future;
  • increasing the speed of business;
  • increasing the internal and external authority of the company;
  • distancing from competitors.

How to Make Money with Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy shows how to move

Marketing strategy is the only way to realize the potential to the last drop and completely turn it into money. As you know, potential is in ideas. The most important of them is a strategic idea, which is the basis of the strategy. Not every strategic idea will suit the company. Therefore, the essence of building a strategy is choosing the best strategic idea, due to which the company will develop.

Marketing strategy is the only way to realize the potential to the last drop. Accordingly, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the company and determine what ideas it broadcasts. Not every idea that the company broadcasts will suit the market. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct market research and determine what ideas are currently circulating on it and their potential. Not all ideas circulating on the market are equally attractive.

The attractiveness of ideas on the market also depends on the economic situation. Therefore, it is necessary to study macroeconomic indicators and determine which ideas will be in trend. Some ideas are already being developed by competitors. These can be both attractive and unattractive ideas. It is necessary to find out about them by studying competitors and determining how exactly competitors implement them.

Marketing strategy brings profit

Marketing strategy brings profit

A quality marketing strategy involves the use of the 5I principle (company ideas, market ideas, economic ideas, competitor ideas, strategic idea). The usual cost of its development is 100,000-150,000 Russian $ if a maxi version is ordered. However, a mini-version of a marketing strategy costs only 15,000-20,000 $.

โ€ฆevery dollar, euro, $ invested in a marketing strategy ultimately brings in 100 to 1000 monetary units of profit. Following the 5I principle guarantees the maximum possible result for the minimum amount of money. The result will be obtained even when it seems impossible. The โ€œ5Iโ€ principle is used by most of the world's leading corporations when developing a marketing strategy. This situation is associated with both the effectiveness of the principle and its profitability.

Experts have calculated the return on investment in a marketing strategy. It turned out that the profitability of investments in it reaches 10,000% in most cases, and sometimes even reaches 100,000%. This means that every dollar, euro, or $ invested in a marketing strategy ultimately brings from 100 to 1,000 monetary units of profit. Need a marketing strategy? Contact the professionals!

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