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Rich mindset – how to develop it


Before reading any further, test yourself with a quick quiz. It will tell you if you have a rich mindset.

The question is: do you think that after reading the article you will be able to quickly gain wealth? If you answered yes, then you are thinking like a poor person.

The main difference between a successful person is the understanding that it is impossible to change thinking quickly. First you have to put in some effort.

In this article, you will learn the secrets of wealthy people and practical tools that will help you change your mindset so that the dream of wealth begins to become a reality.

Thoughts without action don't matter

Even the most correct thought that you think while lying on the couch will not work until you force yourself to get up.

Your worldview is the result of not only thoughts, but also actions.

Over the years, you have received confirmation of your established patterns of behavior and thinking. As you put the tips in this article into practice, don't be alarmed if reality doesn't immediately respond to your new request. First, you must let the new principles of thought run through you. Only by becoming part of your experience will they begin to work.

You will need to really believe in your new beliefs.

Keep a diary in which you will write down all the successes and failures. Try to analyze the results at least once a week. You will notice a certain logic and pattern on which you will build your new worldview.

The mindset of the rich – what millionaires think

Thinking about the future

While the poor man lives in the past, regretting long-lost opportunities, the eyes of the rich man are directed forward. He thinks about what to do today to succeed tomorrow.

Learn from mistakes

Mistakes are a great opportunity to learn new things. Wealthy people analyze their actions and try not to "step on the same rake" anymore.

Accept failure

We all want to win all the time. Successful people understand that this is impossible and develop the ability to take a hit in a period of life's turmoil.

Thinking about how to find new sources of income

Successful businessmen are constantly looking for ways to earn even more. By investing in different areas, they insure themselves against the risks of bankruptcy.

Understand that learning is a continuous process

The poor think that higher education is enough. Wealthy people never stop learning. They attend specialized conferences, learn from their colleagues and competitors, and master related fields.

Know their own worth and believe in themselves

The main difference in the thinking of the rich is that they know their strengths. They are confident that they will succeed even when they suffer temporary difficulties.

They think they can't know everything

Successful people are not afraid to admit that they don't know everything. They do not want to seem like a know-it-all and easily delegate some of the responsibilities to subordinates.

Think about the solution to the problem, not the difficulties

When a poor person thinks about obstacles, a rich person thinks about how to overcome difficulties. This is a very subtle nuance that betrays the poor, who only pretends to be rich.

They love their job

Watch videos of Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and more. You will see that they are all inspired by what they do. They know they are making a good product and want to make it even better. They are passionate about their business and believe in it.

Sure they deserve better

The rich see themselves as good people who deserve what they have. A poor person often thinks that he does not deserve wealth because he has not put in enough effort or accumulated enough knowledge.

Learning to think like the rich

If you want to learn how to think like wealthy people, try the following tips:

Rethink your beliefs about money

Write down on a piece of paper what you think about money. Most likely, you will be surprised when you catch yourself thinking that “money is not easy to get", “money only causes problems”, “the rich are evil and unprincipled people, and the poor are honest and kind”.

These are gifts from childhood that were instilled in us by parents who lived in difficult times.

It is necessary to get rid of such beliefs, changing them to new ones.

Cleanse the environment from whiners and those who do not believe in you

Sadly, you will have to limit or stop contact with some people if you want to become more successful.

You can't convince a whiner that things aren't so bad. Such people have their own benefits of feeling helpless. In psychology, this is called "secondary benefits."

Try not to keep talking about negative topics. Whining is a mental runny nose that is highly contagious.

People who say that you will not succeed, unfortunately, are capable of causing you serious harm.

Try to communicate with those who are better than you in some way. In this way, you can be infected with positive, get motivated to develop yourself and can better understand the mindset of the rich.

Try to be, not to seem

"Nothing betrays a person's belonging to the lower classes of society like the ability to understand expensive watches and cars." — Viktor Pelevin, Generation P.

Perhaps this quote best describes the principle of living beyond one's means. Things are a sign of status. But an expensive thing that is bought on credit has not yet made anyone more successful. When shopping, pay attention to quality and functionality, not the brand.

Flip negative beliefs

A useful exercise for reinforcing new thinking strategies. For example, instead of "I'm afraid to lose," think "I want to win." Instead of "I'm looking to save money," train yourself to think about how to earn more. The difference between these similar phrases is huge.

As you can see, the mindset of a rich person is indeed different from the mindset of most people. Now you know how to develop the traits that will help you excel and succeed in what you do. Do not forget to apply the knowledge gained in practice and track the changes that will certainly begin to occur in your life after reading this article.

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