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💼 Reliable earnings: how to implement an idea for $500,000


You know that our blog is dedicated to financial literacy. We believe that everyone should understand how to make money and find reliable income. Sometimes, following the well-known proverb, we give you a fish. But today we will give you a fishing rod to catch this fish. The idea we want to present is simple. Anyone can implement it. But there is one problem. The implementation of this idea will require large financial investments in the amount of… $ 149. That is how much the cheapest flash drive in the hardware store costs.

Is reliable income real?

If not, then why are we sharing this idea for free? Simply because no one else does it. This is not a sales funnel, but a sincere desire to help. As is our entire blog. Let's imagine that you have a mother-in-law. If you really have a mother-in-law, and your wife is reading this, don't worry. This hypothetical example is positive. And when you find reliable income in this text, she will only be happy. reliable incomeLet's say your hypothetical mother-in-law provides services for pregnant women. She works in a clinic and manages to serve 15 clients from the entire organization's flow daily. What can we do with such initial data? Let's conduct a survey of clients, of course. And ask them what they would like to see in the list of services of the clinic. And they themselves will suggest a direction for development. Someone will want accelerated service, additional services or, even better, information.

First step

Let's go back to the hypothetical mother-in-law. The client would probably like to receive advice on primary child care or nutritional advice. We write down all the proposals and ideas from clients on A4 sheets ( draw lines). In this way, we accumulate a large database of proposals. And do not be shy about writing down even the most delirious and strange ideas. Reliable income may be hidden somewhere among them. And wait for your attentive look. Then we analyze the data and write out the most frequently repeated proposals on a separate sheet. After all, if the same proposals are found several times by different respondents, these problems are most acute for them. This will help filter the answers received and leave a small list of the most important ones.

Step two

Let's move on to the next step. As a rule, a good specialist knows the answers not only to questions in his or her narrow profile, but also to related ones. For example, our mother-in-law can not only do an ultrasound, but also give a sensible answer to the question of how to quickly get back in shape after giving birth. Or recommend procedures and make a list of necessary vitamins and drugs for a nursing mother. Agree, pregnant women ask themselves these questions all the time. And it would be great if a woman could get this information in one place, without running around different offices and hospitals. In addition, this kind of information is very relevant. This is the main solution to our idea.

Step three

Let's go back to our sheets of paper and ask the mother-in-law to answer the most pressing questions of pregnant women. We'll record it on camera and get a ready-made solution that could easily cost $1,500. Remember the flash drive? The next step is to save the video recording on a flash drive. And every time another client comes to the mother-in-law, she can offer him a flash drive with answers to the most pressing questions. For only $1,500. This is the reason why the service will be in demand.

Step four

Now, simple arithmetic. 15 clients and $1,500 for each. Multiply on a calculator and get $22,500 daily. Now multiply this amount by 26 – that's how many working days there are in a month. We get $585,000 per month. Of course, your organization may have questions for you. Because you can't do this on the sly. But you can share with the organization (50%), and in this case everyone will be in the black. And now the most important thing. reliable incomeOur flash drive can be used many times without rewriting or updating information for a long time. In total, your investment is $149, and the benefit is $585,000. If you know how to use file-sharing networks, then you won't need any investment at all. The scheme is applicable to almost any field of activity. The same can be done by a trainer in a fitness club, a master in a beauty salon, a pharmacist in a drugstore, an instructor in a driving school and many others.

Step Five

Find out what people care about, what questions they ask professionals, answer them, and sell a ready-made solution every day. If you still have doubts, then we have the skin blew off for you. This hypothetical mother-in-law is not hypothetical at all. This is a real person who really makes money. You can watch the full story about this idea in the video below:

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