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Make money on e-books: 4 secrets of successful sales


To make money from e-books, you will have to write them. Or find someone who has already written and does not know how to sell at all. In this article, we reveal the secrets of selling algorithms.

Make money with e-books


Become a partner

Members of affiliate programs receive up to half of the income from the author's fee by promoting their affiliate link. No need to write a book or set up websites. Earn money by earning commissions from the sale of books written by someone else. Simply, it would seem.

But here there are some nuances:
  • To get started, you should go to the site of a popular book, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link "Affiliate Program". Read information. If you are satisfied with the conditions, click on the "Become a partner" button. Sign up.
  • You will be given access to an affiliate link that you will post on various sites: online bookstores, social networks, book forums, etc.
  • When a customer clicks on the link and buys the book, the money will be automatically credited to your account.

Do you want to make money on e-books and get paid right now?

No, it's not greed. This is normal and possible. Find a writer who is already selling his book and propose a media partnership. If you do not know how to negotiate with various sites, you can post articles about the book on your website or blog. But communication with the media and publishing houses is a valuable skill and it is better to develop it. So you will feel the market and quickly navigate. Use every opportunity to advance. The advantage of a personal site is that you do not have to pay a percentage to someone else for posting information.

You can also invite the author to sell download links. This is an elementary thing, but not all writers have the time and patience for this work.

How to make a link to a book visible?

  • Create an account on social networks, register on sites and forums for book lovers. 
  • Communicate with readers.
  • Ask them to write, film, and dictate reviews. The more there are, the more chances to sell the book.


Write a book and promote it yourself

If you create a book and sell it yourself, then after deducting all expenses, all 100% of the profit goes to you. The second option looks profitable, but is only suitable for bold writers.

If you are unsure of your marketing skills, find a partner. A If you can't write, find an author. Well, if you are given both without problems, find distribution points for your work. 

Where to sell your books

  • Create a one page website. It will act simultaneously as a presentation, and annotation, and feedback from readers.
  • Place the book in online stores selling digital products. For a percentage of sales. But before entering into any contracts, read the rules and policies for selling books on these resources. 

What does it take to write an e-book, besides talent and work

There are several secrets to the success of the future book. Some of them are pretty boring, but if you want results, you can master them and apply them: 

Reasonable price

First, determine the minimum cost. Do not forget to take into account the payback of your labor. You can always raise the price. Like when the book starts selling like hot cakes.

Worth considering a sequel. This will ensure an uninterrupted flow of funds from readers who love your book. 

Work with book quality. Proofread the manuscript before selling. Hire a proofreader or ask someone you know to read the manuscript. Looking from the outside helps you see typos and errors that you no longer notice.

Time management

Learn to organize your working time. Make a plan. Set your priorities. Despite the fact that the work on the book is a creative process, you need to insure yourself in case of a creative block. A plan will keep you going no matter what. Set the pace and rhythm.

market niche

Decide on the subject of the book. Analyze popular topics and make a list of market niches that are currently in demand. Write on topics that are interesting to the reader, but only if they are close to you. If a writer writes a book in which only the desire to make money is invested, no one will read it. Even despite powerful marketing manipulations. Don't promote what doesn't interest you. The reader understands.


The main thing for the book is the idea. It doesn't matter if it's a paper book or an electronic one. In search of an idea, brainstorm, read thematic forums, take a walk around the city or area where you live. Watch the little things. Pay attention to passers-by, visitors to shops, bars and cafes. Catch snatches of conversations. But don't do it on purpose. Don't embarrass those around you. Tactfully observe the world and you will be able to see the best idea.

It is believed that the local press is suitable for finding ideas, as it reflects the interests of readers. But it is not so. If you are going to write a book not by inspiration, but by a system, then you should go to social networks. View profiles of people in thematic groups of your chosen genre. Do your analysis. You can even create a poll or take part in a discussion to get direct answers from people.

Interesting name

It is necessary to learn techniques for coming up with an original title that will hook a person and, therefore, encourage him to buy a book. To understand the basics, we recommend reading our article on creating catchy headlines. 

Collection of materials for the book

Although communication with real people, experts, eyewitnesses, opinion leaders, etc., as well as viewing documents, archives, and even newspaper and magazine files, are the main ways to collect material for a real quality book, there are other methods. For example, fully automated collection of content without the personal participation of the author. You can find services that search for information on a topic you set with top Internet content on the web if you enter “automated content collection" in the search.

Attractive cover

We should not forget about creating a beautiful cover. After all, it is she who attracts in the first place. Master a drawing program or template service. There are plenty of simple website builders where you can design a cover page online without any design skills.


You should also think about protecting the e-book from pirates. This is a very deep topic, so we will dwell on this aspect in more detail in another article.


There are 4 main common formats:

  •  pdf
  • yes
  • fb2
  • ePub

You need to figure out what price to charge for your book. Here you will have to study online stores, find out margins, see how much books by other authors with similar topics cost, and display the average figure.


 Free ad book

How it works: A reader downloads your free book and enjoys reading. Before you give the book for distribution, you paint advertising links in it. For example, for downloading template paid sites, where you must first register for an affiliate program. And then the profit will not come from downloading the book, but from downloading template paid sites. However, keep in mind that the sponsored link should be in the context of your book and help the reader find the best services and products. Do not post links that are not in tune with the context, do not litter the Internet with useless advertising.

The fourth way how to make money on e-books:

 Viral Marketing

You create an e-book and distribute it wherever you can. In the book, you advertise your site and get a flow of visitors to it. The income here will depend on how many people use paid services on your site.

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