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Make money on a website or blog – 10 proven ways


Many users come to the Internet to look for long-term earnings. And the opportunity to make money on a website or blog is no exception. It is enough to choose the necessary niche, generate traffic and sell any products or services. Moreover, in this area, earnings are not limited, because there are many ways to monetize the project. In this article, effective options for making a profit using a website or blog will be analyzed.

How to make good money from your own blog

Some people create blogs for the purpose of displaying their creativity or outlook on life. Others earn decent money from their project. Not every project owner gets into the top and earns a lot of money. It should be understood that after the creation of the project, money will not immediately go from it. As a rule, this is a very long and painstaking work, which only after a while bears fruit.

If you need to create a blog from which you want to subsequently receive real money, then you should observe the following points:

  • Relevant topics should be chosen (women's blogs, personal growth, business, health).
  • You need to create unique and interesting content, in no case copying from other sites.
  • It is worth learning SEO in order to further engage in blog promotion.
  • To stay up to date, it doesn't hurt to look at popular bloggers and influencers in your chosen field.
  • You can earn on the sale of advertising, your own and partner products.

Creating an affiliate project or how to make real money on a website or blog

Promoting products on the Internet may seem less popular at first, however, as practice shows, you can get good money from this. You can become a partner of some large organization and promote their services on your own website. You can make interesting reviews, recommend products and get paid for it. If the client becomes interested in the offer, clicks on the link and purchases the product he needs, then a certain percentage of the profit will be credited to the account. Some sites make millions directly using this method.

Web hosting resale

Another interesting and profitable way on the Internet. The principle of hosting resale is as follows: allocate server space that will be used to form your own hosting.

In this case, it allows:

  • Create a web hosting account;
  • Setting a custom limit on some resources;
  • Manage all accounts with WHM.

CPanel is a popular tool that makes it easy to manage hosting accounts and thereby attract new customers. Work on the server uninterrupted, performance and availability at the level. Plus, a special assistant is added to the work, who can help with solving the problem at any time.

Creating an online course – ideas for real money

If there is valuable information to share with everyone, why not start making money from it. Online courses can be developed in a variety of ways. Here you can control everything yourself. Courses can be customized for different designs of blogs, websites or even online stores.

You can also work as an instructor in the desired area of ​​expertise. Such work can be found on learning platforms. For example, the BitDegree platform provides such an opportunity.

Sale of advertising space on the site

On many sites, you can notice ads, sometimes they are very intrusive, which repels users at times. However, with the right approach, advertising can be combined with content, and it will look much better.

You can resort to advertising, while having good traffic on the site, which is growing every day. Payment in this case depends on the number of impressions and clicks made by users. There are many advertising networks that offer earnings on advertising.

One of the most popular and extensive is Google Adsense. Beforehand, each site is checked by moderators and, if it meets all the criteria, it is allowed to work. Profit, as a rule, is small here, if there is not a millionaire site in operation. You can also partner with other ad networks and earn more money from website monetization.

If you don't want to work with advertising companies at all, you can look for customers yourself. You can place sponsored content on the site in order to receive money from this.

Selling your own services

One of the quickest ways to make money is selling services from your own project.

In this case, there are 2 approaches to selling services:

  • Creation of an educational platform ;

All useful information for users on the necessary topics will be placed here. In addition, a separate page is added where services are placed, for example, business-related coaching, both in person and online.

  • Creation of a basic site.

Here the project is created with only one purpose – to tell about yourself and place your own services.

After the creation of the project, interested clients are attracted to it. You can combine these 2 approaches at work and get a more effective result in the end.

Create a paywall project

The idea is quite realistic to implement, but for this there must already be some kind of audience viewing the project. If users like the content, useful and unique information, then they will definitely pay an entrance fee to use the site. You can leave part of the site in free use, that is, it can be viewed for free. As for premium content, it can be made paid. Maybe some users will not agree, but there will definitely be people who are really interested in the content.

Thus, making money on your own website or blog is quite realistic. For work, you can use all the options for earning, or limit yourself to some one. The main thing to remember is that lightning-fast results will not be visible immediately. If you persistently approach work, realize all the mistakes and discover new goals, then you will definitely succeed in business.

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