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John Rockefeller Rules of Life: 17 Oil Tycoon Inspirational Thoughts


Today we are inspired by the oil tycoon – the rules of life of John D. Rockefeller are universal. What is the basis of success? We keep repeating that all change starts with thoughts. You can earn millions even if you don't have a penny – learn to observe yourself and the world, and make decisions on time.

Biographies, thoughts and rules of life of great people broaden their horizons. Increase your chances of success: evolve and watch the pros do it.

So, 17 rules of life from a great man who knows how to handle money and controls his thoughts, and therefore life itself and all its aspects.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


All disasters are new opportunities. Never complain, even if you find yourself in an extremely difficult situation. No one is able to drive you into a corner, because you always have the opportunity to choose your attitude to what is happening.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


Do not be afraid if you have big expenses ahead, beware better of modest cash income.

John has always been generous, spending significant amounts of money on charity. Because he is able to accumulate his income and increase it.

Rules of life John Rockefeller

No. 3

If you work all day, you probably won't have the energy or time to earn money.

If your schedule is 6/1 and you don't break away from the tasks that your boss has set for you 8 hours a week, you will probably stay within the framework of these tasks, because you do not have time to rest at all. If you do not rest, then your brain is overloaded. Draw your own conclusions.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


The well-being of a person depends on his decisions. So watch what you think – it directly affects your actions.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


What is your goal? Become a rich person? What do you mean by this phrase?

If for you wealth consists only in multiplying money, you will never become John D. Rockefeller. Financial development only happens if you develop at all levels of being. Do not think that oil tycoons are "imprisoned" exclusively for money.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


If you make acquaintances and friendships based on a business, it is much better than if you start a business with friends.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


John Rockefeller claims that what he enjoys most is contemplation of the dividends he receives from his efforts. What brings you pleasure?

Rules of life John Rockefeller


Let people know about your doing the right thing.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


If you know everything, but at the same time you approach the work as a staunch skeptic, it will be difficult for you to get a job. They hire people who sparkle with enthusiasm, not gold medalists.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


You will be a good manager if you can show subordinates, ordinary people, how to do the work of people who are above.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


Persistence helps you achieve results. Color – emotional or moral is not important. Perseverance achieves everything, both good and bad.

Rules of life John Rockefeller


You cannot know who you will be in this life. And I don't know. Nobody will ever guess about it. But the thought of being born for something more is itself your beacon.

John Rockefeller's Rule of Life


Give up the good if great is on the horizon.

John Rockefeller's Rule of Life


Should you account for your millions? I do not see anything reprehensible in this. Only the first million you are not obliged to paint to anyone.

John Rockefeller's Rule of Life


To be successful, work on your reputation. Then she will work for you.

John Rockefeller's Rule of Life


Learn to communicate with people. This skill is no different from sugar or coffee that we buy in stores. But it costs much more than anything in this world.

John Rockefeller's Rule of Life


Perseverance is able to break through any walls of obstacles. Paired with perseverance, they are invincible. Success in any business is guaranteed if you develop perseverance. Even if you decide to go against the laws of nature.

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