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💼 Interaction of marketing and sales to increase profits 💸


Everyone knows for sure that sales bring money, because money comes from them. No one, however, analyzes how much profit salespeople actually bring and whether they bring it at all, but the money comes from them for sure, which means the benefit is noticeable. The benefit of marketing, especially in terms of money, is not so obvious. It is believed that marketers do not bring money, but only ask for it, although in fact this is far from true and more on that below. Moreover, it is not clear how the interaction of marketing and sales can bring money, because some spend, others bring, and this is a contradiction.

In reality, such interaction exists and it is very effective. For example, if sales separately bring in $10,000, and marketing separately $10,000, then in total they will give $20,000. But if there is an interaction between marketing and sales, then in total they will give not $20,000, but $30,000. Marketing affects the return on sales, and sales affect the return on marketing. This means that the interaction of marketing and sales is a synergy, in which 2 + 2 = 5. You can get such a result only if you organize active interaction between marketing and sales. How to do this? This is exactly what will be discussed below.

An active and effective interaction between marketing and sales can be achieved only if you have a pumped-up salesperson and a pumped-up marketer, and if you follow the rules of marketing. A pumped-up salesperson maximizes sales volume due to the fact that he has embodied an idea that corresponds to the product he sells. He can significantly increase sales volumes, to the point that every customer who comes into the store leaves with a purchase, and some can leave with two or even three purchases. However, a pumped-up salesperson works only with those who came into the store. He does not work with those who did not come into the store, because he does not have access to them.

A pumped-up marketer and a pumped-up salesperson should work in tandemAccordingly, a pumped-up salesperson, with rare exceptions, can increase the number of people who made a purchase, in other words, he can increase the conversion rate, but he is unlikely to be able to increase the flow of people entering the store. Thus, we come to the conclusion that a pumped-up salesperson should have an assistant who increases the flow of visitors, and such an assistant is none other than a pumped-up marketer. A pumped-up marketer is a marketer who has the idea of ​​the product he sells implanted in him. A pumped-up marketer allows you to understand why marketing is needed.

A pumped-up marketer and a pumped-up salesperson must work in tandem, because in order for a salesperson to sell, the marketer must create motivation in clients. Such a tandem is a new generation business. The created motivation will bring the buyer to the store, and then the salesperson will work with him. Without motivation, no one will ever go to the store, just as a car with an empty tank cannot go anywhere. Everything requires energy, and energy is just as applicable to humans as it is to mechanisms, with the only difference being that mechanisms have mechanical energy, while humans have biological energy.

Proper interaction between marketing and sales

💼 Interaction of marketing and sales to increase profits 💸

Energy always has an ideal nature, i.e. energy is what is created by an idea. Accordingly, in order to create motivation in a person, it is necessary to influence the idea so that it generates it. This is quite simple. To create energy, you just need to push two carriers of the same idea together. One of these carriers in our case is a person, i.e. a store visitor, and the other carrier can be anything, from advertising materials to a product, a seller or a marketer. Sales are actually the process of creating energy in a buyer. If this is successful, there will be a purchase, if not, there will not be one.

An example of two carriers of the same idea colliding and generating energy is two magnets. When they are at a certain distance from each other, they begin to repel each other. Nothing happens to the magnet during the interaction, it remains the same as it was, which means it is not the magnet that releases energy. There is nothing else in it except the idea and the elements that make up the magnet. Accordingly, since it is not the elements of the magnet that release energy, it means the idea, the embodiment of which is the magnet, releases this energy.

After the idea is implemented, the flow of clients will increase. Thus, in order to repel one piece of a magnet, it is enough to bring another piece of a magnet to it. As a result, the ideas interact and the energy is released, which repels the magnets from each other. The same mechanism is used to create motivation in a person. After the person in whom the idea is implemented is influenced by an object with the same implemented idea, energy arises in him, and purposeful energy, which indicates where the person should move and why.

It is good when the idea of ​​a product has already been embodied in a sufficient number of people or has been embodied in someone at all. However, sometimes it happens that the idea has not been embodied in an insufficient number of people, or has not been embodied in anyone at all. In such a situation, no matter how much I influence a person in whom the idea we need has not been embodied, he will not be motivated and will not go to the store. This situation is often observed in nature. If, for example, you influence a magnet with wood or a magnet with wood, then energy does not arise, because the idea of ​​wood is not embodied in the magnet, and the idea of ​​the magnet is not embodied in the wood.

Accordingly, there is no interaction of two identical ideas and no generation of motivational energy. In this situation, in order to increase the flow of visitors, the marketer needs to work on implementing the idea in the right number of people. After the idea is implemented, the flow of customers will increase, which means the volume of work for sellers will increase, and therefore the volume of sales, however, only if these sellers are pumped up, if there is a system of sales and goods and only if there is an active interaction between marketing and sales.

An idea as a way to boost marketing and sales

There is another situation. It consists in the fact that the idea is implanted, but not embodied in a person. If the idea is not embodied in a person, then the person feels it, but does not realize it, and therefore does not know how to react at the moment when the idea is activated. Accordingly, it will not be possible to achieve the desired behavior from a person in whom the idea is only implanted. He will only feel that he wants something, but does not know what. In this case, the issue can only be resolved by transferring the idea from the status of “embodied” to the status of “embodied”. Embodiment of an idea is the infusion of the essence of the idea into a person. An implanted idea creates, like an empty matrix, an empty vessel in a person that needs to be filled with an idea.

This vessel is filled through information, because information is an element of an idea. Electrons, protons, neutrons are elementary particles of matter, and information is a kind of elementary unit of an idea. Accordingly, an idea can be embodied only by transmitting information to a person regarding this idea, i.e. transmitting elements to a person from which he will collect the idea. Only after the idea is fully collected, a person will realize it and will react in the way we need when we influence the idea. Normally, a pumped-up marketer is engaged in the embodiment of an idea. The result of all this is profit from marketing.

It turns out that marketing and sales should work in close connectionIt turns out that marketing and sales should work in close connection: the marketer creates clients, and the seller spends them. The more clients the marketer creates, the more the seller can spend them. By the way, the marketer brings in money by creating clients. Knowing this, it is easier to understand whether a business needs marketing or not. In this case, consumer spending is the conversion of a visitor into a buyer. Only the most effective joint work of the seller and the marketer, which is possible only if there is active interaction between marketing and sales, can make sales volumes maximum.

At the same time, as has already been said above, the seller will be effective only if he is pumped up with the idea we need, because only pumping can embody the idea in him and only after pumping will he begin to distribute it. In principle, the same applies to the marketer.

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