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How to make money on video


With the advent of the Internet, the world began to change at a rapid pace. And more and more often we think about how to make money on the video. After all, people have more opportunities for self-development and effective earnings. Social networks are actively developing. Now you can not only have fun, but also earn income. We will tell you how you can make money on video.

The most famous platforms for making money are YouTube, Instagram, TikTok. Before you reach a profit, you need to spend a lot of time, effort and patience. Good advertisers won't show up quickly. You need to work hard to earn authority.

earn money on youtube channel

YouTube is one of the most popular video hosting sites in the world, where it is quite possible to make money on a good video. It ranks second in terms of the number of visitors. Every day, millions of people watch videos on the site. Some are looking for educational videos, others prefer entertaining content. Analyzing the information, many are wondering how to make money on videos. After all, you can not only watch other people's videos, but also upload your own.

The platform provides many opportunities for businessmen, singers, artists to advertise their goods and services for free. To do this, it is enough to upload thematic videos filled with interesting information for the viewer. In addition, YouTube pays for viewing ads. Everyone has the opportunity to earn. Having decided to become a blogger, you need to understand that there is a huge competition on YouTube. For example, in one minute, 400 hours of new videos appear on the site.

How much does youtube pay

The income from the channel depends on the country for which the content is created. The language of presentation is important. For 1000 views, a blogger with an English-speaking audience gets $7.60. In the CIS countries 3$. Gaining views, each video will generate income for years. Popular YouTubers can earn several million dollars a year from watching content. The profitability of the channel depends on the chosen niche, the supply of material, and the quality of the shooting. Authors who regularly update the channel with new videos earn the most.

Youtubers quickly earn income in the following segments:

  • entertainment;
  • celebrity gossip;
  • news;
  • cars;
  • let's play;
  • life hacks;
  • makeup.

These videos get millions of views. Such topics are of interest to many. To understand how much you can earn from watching videos, there are special income calculators Y outube.


How to make money on video

Income from watching videos can be obtained through advertising. You do not need to search for advertisers on your own. YouTube will do everything. Thousands of advertisers seek to find their audience on this resource. You just need to enable monetization.

Bloggers who have more than 1,000 subscribers and at least 4,000 hours of views in the last 12 months can earn money by watching videos . It is not recommended to wind up indicators artificially. YouTube is actively fighting violators, and may even block the channel for such actions. When the required number of views and subscribers is reached, monetization can be enabled through the application in the Creative Studio. Set the ad format, designate when it will appear: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the video. For more information about ad formats, see YouTube Help. If the content does not comply with the rules, the administration may reject the application for monetization.

Affiliate links

Collaborate with online stores and manufacturers who are willing to pay money to attract customers. Promotion of affiliate links is another option for income from YouTube video hosting. It consists of the following steps.

  1. You advertise the customer's products.
  2. An interested viewer clicks on the link to purchase the product.
  3. In case of a successful transaction, you receive a commission on each purchase.

To improve sales, place links at the beginning of the description and advertise the product in the video. However, don't overuse the ads. Integrate customer products if they fit into the content scenario. It is important not to spoil your reputation and advertise worthy products. After all, the audience trusts you. Subscribers for whom you are a trusted resource will follow these links. If the product is of interest, they will make a purchase.


Most bloggers leave a link to donations under video content. This is a voluntary donation from users for the content provided. Contributes to the development of the channel. As long as the videos are interesting and useful, the viewers generously reward the author for his work.

A blogger can indicate for what purposes he collects donations. But it may not indicate. Often, the authors use the funds received to purchase equipment, pay the costs of creating video material.

Viewers often donate during live broadcasts. They ask questions and pay money for it. The author can specify the minimum donation amount. It is better to make it not high so that more users can send money. For large translations, you can set sound accompaniment. This encourages other viewers to donate money in order to attract attention and thus advertise the channel. YouTube takes a certain percentage of donations.

What videos can be uploaded

How to make money on video

You can shoot and post absolutely everything that does not contradict the rules of YouTube. First you need to create a channel and fill it with content. Decide on a theme. Shoot what you love the most.

Most popular topics:

  • unpacking a product (children's toys, smartphones, tablets);
  • review of purchases from aliexpress;
  • travel (review of hotels, attractions, excursions, customs of other peoples);
  • teaching drawing, knitting, tailoring;
  • Learning foreign languages;
  • do-it-yourself repair;
  • fishing;
  • cultivation of agricultural plants;
  • Computer techologies;
  • music, singing;
  • cooking (step-by-step instructions for preparing different dishes);
  • humor (entertainment stories, funny pranks, anecdotes);
  • animals (buying pet supplies, unusual pet behavior, training secrets);
  • animation, stories with fictional characters, cartoons.

Topics can be very different.

What not to post on YouTube

YouTube cares about the safety of viewers and prohibits posting content that may encourage people to commit dangerous or illegal actions that can be harmful to health. Videos with elements of cruelty and violence are prohibited. You can not post materials that teach hacking, instructions for robbery and fraud. Content about the use and manufacture of drugs is not allowed. It is forbidden to publish false information about the coronavirus infection.

This is not a complete list of prohibited material. More information is available in YouTube help. If you suspect that your video may violate the rules of the site, it is better not to publish it.

Content that does not comply with the rules of the site is deleted by the administration. A notification will be sent to the author's mail with an explanation of which rules were violated. After three warnings, the channel will be blocked. If the author does not agree with the decision, he can file an appeal.


Some bloggers upload other people's videos to YouTube. In this case, the copyright holder can file a complaint and even go to court. As a result, the administration will block the channel, the author will lose earnings on the video. If the reputation is damaged, monetization can be disabled for six months with limited channel functions. If the issue is resolved in court, then the violator faces a fine or imprisonment for a period of several years.

Pay attention to the video you upload. Some videos can be used without risk, while others get banned. If you receive a message about copyright infringement, it is better to delete the video or matched fragments. Copyright belongs to the owner of the video, music, text. And itโ€™s better not to use the content of other authors, create original stories.

How to start making videos

How to make money on video

Many people want to build a career as a blogger. We have already studied the information on how to make money on videos. But they face many obstacles:

  • afraid to show themselves on camera;
  • ashamed of their appearance;
  • do not like the voice;
  • cannot clearly formulate an idea;
  • poorly done installation;
  • there is no appropriate equipment for shooting.

All this is nonsense compared to how much money you can get from watching videos . Even a schoolboy, student, pensioner can start. The main thing is to have a great desire, a video camera or a smartphone, the Internet. It's hard to find a free niche now. But you can become the best in any niche that already exists. Demand and achieve the impossible. Fight your fears. Shoot videos, hone your skills. Each time you will get better and better. You can shoot yourself, discuss interesting events, express your opinion. Every blogger has their own audience.

Shooting equipment

Consider the basic equipment for a novice blogger. Photos and videos are key components of content. Therefore, shooting equipment plays an important role. Good quality footage shot with an action camera. But if the budget does not allow you to purchase such equipment, you can shoot on a smartphone.

It is important to pay attention to sound. It should be at a high level throughout the video. To do this, you need to buy a microphone. Wireless costs more. It is suitable for dynamic shooting. A novice blogger can purchase a budget lavalier. And then, as the channel develops, buy the necessary equipment.

A tripod is an indispensable accessory for a vlogger. The equipment will allow you to fix your smartphone or camera in one position. The video will be shot in high quality, without shaking.

For studio shooting, it is important to have professional lighting โ€“ ring lamps, softboxes, LED spotlights, LED lighting.

How to increase the number of subscribers

Send links to your channel to friends, acquaintances and relatives. Most of them will subscribe and like. The number of likes does not affect income. But they help in promoting the channel. The more likes, the more likely it is to get recommended.

Leave comments under the videos of other bloggers. Interestingly stated thoughts will attract some part of the audience to your channel. Write in the comments advertising text with a brief description of your content. It will also attract a certain percentage of viewers.

Promote your channel on social media. Appropriate promotion will help attract new subscribers. The main thing is that the content is valuable and interesting for the viewers.

Shoot a collaboration with other bloggers. This is how you advertise your channels. Mutual PR is beneficial for both parties. Direct advertising of your channel in the videos of famous bloggers will also be effective.

Channel development

Allocate money for the development of the channel. The cost will pay off over time. YouTube offers many advertising options:

  • sponsor cards;
  • pop-up messages;
  • banners, etc.

Analyze competitor channels. Work on improving your videos. Plan your script ahead of time. Make a plan. Keep editing until you get the desired result. Make the beginning of the video interesting to keep the viewer. Create the most attractive cover. The preview determines whether viewers want to open and watch the video. Pay attention to the end screen. In it, you can encourage viewers to watch the next video or motivate them to subscribe.

Optimize your content for search. Make headlines with keywords. Add subtitles to video material and meta tags. Tags will help you rank better. Insert keys in the first 25 words. Making money from videos requires hard work.

Interaction with the audience

How to make money on video

Offer gifts to subscribers for likes and best comments. Organize prize draws and contests. Do charity work. These actions increase the activity on the channel and show the interest of the audience. Answer audience questions. Go live. Start streaming.

Post polls. Ask the audience what they like. This will help determine the theme of the new video. Content must meet audience expectations. Subscribers can choose one of the suggested options or add their own.

Share Gif images through community posts. This will be additional entertainment for subscribers. Encourage viewers to repost and click on the bell. Be active. If you want to be successful, don't sit back.

Video editing

Video editing requires attention and perseverance. Helps create quality content. Developers have released a large number of programs for video editing. With their help, you can do several manipulations:

  • cut off excess;
  • glue fragments;
  • create a transition during a frame change;
  • insert music;
  • remove extraneous sounds;
  • adjust the volume level;
  • add special effects;
  • create animation;
  • speed up / slow down the frame;
  • replace background;
  • write text;
  • do color correction, etc.

Installation programs are simple and complex, paid and free. It is better for a beginner to choose a simpler option in the free version and gradually move to a difficult level. You can use the demo version of paid programs.

How to mount video

First, select the program in which you plan to edit the video. Load the footage into a video editor. Pick up a list of music files and add them.

Group similar episodes. In order not to get confused in the future, sign them. You can always add new material to the created project if the need arises.

To make the video not look boring, insert frames from different shooting angles. Changing angles should look natural.

Delete frames that do not contain useful information. Feel free to cut out the parts you don't like. The material should be informative for the viewer and easy to understand.

Merge selected frames. Work with sound. Save the finished video. Watch the video several times. If everything suits you, upload it to YouTube.

Video editing as a way to earn money

How to make money on video

The ability to edit videos will be useful not only for the development of your channel, but will also become an additional source of income. You will learn a creative and interesting profession. Read on to find out how to make money with video editing.

Video editing is ordered by private clients. The work consists in editing video material for children's and family holidays, wedding ceremonies, corporate parties, travel. In general, customers do not require professional execution.

Even a novice editor who is familiar with working in a video editor can mount a video.

Editing of videos is ordered by video bloggers. They may become regular customers. After all, for the growth of the channel, the video needs to be uploaded regularly. Both professional and non-professional installation may be required.

Video editing is ordered by the creators of films, clips, presentations. They are demanding on quality. Newcomers are usually not co-operated with.

How to become a video editor

The profession of a video editor requires creativity, perseverance, and attention to detail. Creative thinking will allow you to stand out from the rest and earn more.

There are many instructional videos on the internet. There are paid programs and free ones. Modern video editors allow you to create real masterpieces. If you want to learn, you can quickly. The main thing is to love the work you are doing, then the work will be a pleasure.

Having experience and examples of work, editors earn good money on the Internet. You can work remotely, take orders or create your own sales videos. Work is not tied to a specific location. The main thing is to have at hand a powerful computer, high speed Internet, a video processing program. The price of installation services is determined by the complexity of the work and the time spent. How much you earn depends only on your diligence and professionalism .

Finding Clients

Now you know how to make money on video editing. Let's move on to finding clients. Customers can be found on social networks. Place an ad in thematic groups and on a personal page. Create a beautiful portfolio with examples of work.

Register on freelance sites. At first, orders will be simple, poorly paid. But as your rating increases, serious customers will pay attention to you.

Offer services on bulletin boards. Communicate on active forums, leave your data. Write comments to bloggers with a proposal for video editing.

Look for jobs on job sites. Create a personal website, post information about yourself. Offer services to acquaintances, relatives, work colleagues, friends.


Now you know how you can make money on videos. Let's summarize. There are several ways to earn income:

  • earnings from viewing ads by viewers;
  • sale of goods through affiliate links;
  • donations from subscribers;
  • placement of advertising in the video;
  • earnings on the installation of commercials;
  • accepting donations.

To get more profit, you can use all of the above methods. Together, they provide a good income. Earnings on YouTube is available to everyone. It โ€˜s never too late to start . Develop, think, be creative, fill the channel with content, improve the quality of video material. Get inspired by ideas by browsing the channels of successful bloggers. Work to get your videos to the top. Strive to be the best among your competitors. And in time, the hard work will pay off. It will not be possible to get rich quickly, it will take time to promote. The main thing is to set a goal and confidently go towards it, overcoming obstacles on the way.

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