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📸 How to make money on Instagram: effective ways without investment


Have you noticed that Instagram has taken over the world? Without declaring war, invasion, or any other horror movie horror story. Just with photos of cats, food, and kids. And almost all of your friends are already there. Taking photos of cats, food, and kids. So it’s no wonder that enterprising people are thinking about how to make money on Instagram stories.

And if you are among them, we are in a hurry to please you. Now we will tell you about one effective and exciting method.

But first, let's define how bloggers make money on Instagram.

Where do Instagram bloggers get their money?

The decisive source of their income is advertising. Advertisers are gradually abandoning traditional advertising methods and looking at bloggers. This makes it easier to determine the target audience, and its number is no different from other options.

And it's cheaper. The latter, as you understand, is the determining factor. Therefore, the main task of any advertiser is to find the right blogger. And the main question of the blogger is how to find a sponsor for his Instagram account.

Advertisers look at the number of subscribers, their involvement in the life of the profile and, of course, the content itself. And here we come in. That is, subscribers. We are accustomed to the idea that they want to make money on us. In our imagination, bloggers gather in sinister leagues and think about how to make money on subscribers.

But we ourselves can easily make money from bloggers if we find a way. And we found it.

A Surefire Way to Make Money from a Blogger

Imagine you're scrolling through your Instagram feed. What do you see?

Photos of friends, videos with pets, stories of Olga Buzova. In other words, nothing interesting. No variety, nothing to stimulate your mind and attention. And this despite the fact that there are so many bloggers that even NASA's supercomputer can't count them all.

We feel you want to object: “Why should I stimulate my mind and attention?”

Because they pay money for it!

At least, in the personal Instagram account of Ilya Sitnov, the founder of Goodly.pro. He does not brag about his nails, going to the gym and other usual things. But he creates all the conditions for interesting leisure and earnings.

It is held in the format of a quiz. Every day a rebus appears in the stories. You, remembering the techniques of Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson and detectives Kolobok, solve it. At the end of the week Ilya sums up the results, and the winner gets his game sh.

how to make money on instagram

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