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How to make money on ideas: your own + other people


The question of how to make money on ideas is still tormenting the minds of our fellow citizens. Even despite the fact that earnings on ideas are alien to the inhabitants of our country.

This is more traded on Western resources. But if you get used to it, you can monetize thoughts in at least ten ways, receiving income from various sources.

How to make money on ideas: your own + other people

What types of work are found

Using skills and imagination, you can turn concept generation into a business. Creativity, positive message, originality are mandatory requirements. Popular ways to make money on simple ideas :

  1. Participate in idea contests. Come up with headings, creative tasks, names for cafes, a brand name.
  2. Subscribe to newsletter. Online resources for the sale of ideas, where they massively respond to the request of the customer, and he pays for the best option.
  3. Compose a story. You can sell a work both on the copywriting exchange and on special forums.

You can monetize both directly, by providing only an idea, or participate in the implementation. This is how content makers get arranged in groups on social networks, come up with headings, contests. The concept always carries a message, either to attract or push to action to increase conversion. Therefore, only one creative vein will not be enough.

Websites for Selling Ideas

How to make money on ideas: your own + other people

Experienced freelancers will tell you how to make money on your ideas . Brainstorming resources have their pros and cons. They provide an opportunity to earn income, while not guaranteeing this. The customer can simply pick up the idea, but answer that it was not to their liking. The following resources provide real income:

  1. Voproso.ru. Russian-language site for the sale of concepts. The customer asks a question, then chooses a suitable idea and pays.
  2. ideas.lego.com. You need to come up with a design for the Lego constructor, from the winning models they receive a percentage of sales.
  3. bouf.com. If there is a desire to translate the idea into the design of jewelry, household items, then you can sell them here.
  4. societycom. You need to come up with a design for a mug or t-shirt, and then receive a percentage of sales.

Recently, there are few such resources, more often they are represented by English-language sites with advanced functionality. Turning your income from promising new ideas into a home-based business is difficult, as pay varies from $1,000 to $2,500 per suggestion.

Snafu Designs – $100 for each postcard

English-language resource with a simple interface. Suitable for those who want to realize themselves creatively and without investment. How to make money on your ideas for postcards step by step:

  • collect from 1 to 12 options in a letter;
  • attach images if desired;
  • wait up to 8 weeks for a response.

If you wish, you do not need to draw anything, you can only describe in detail the look of the postcard. The site is in English, so the text must be in the appropriate language. The company accepts no more than 12 options at a time. We need options on the theme of love, friendship, birthday, Valentine's day, etc. The more diverse the options, the higher the chance that the idea will be accepted and paid for. From one letter you can earn from 100 to 1200 dollars. If you translate into rubles, then you get a good additional income.

Similar functionality has Oatmeal Studios. The resource accepts variants of interesting greeting cards. If you want to draw, then you can get a job as a freelance designer remotely. The rate increases depending on the time of cooperation.

Ephemera-inc – $50 per slogan

A way to quickly make money on your ideas for those who want to make a minimum of effort. Both variants with illustrations and without are accepted. Need content to create magnets, stickers, postcards, flyers. Fun options are in demand. The project is designed for both greeting cards and political booklets.

Important! Since 2018, the selection has been tightened, in order to get approval you need to create unique content that attracts attention.

A site with humorous postcards Smart Alex has a similar functionality. The sequence of actions and profit is different. You need to come up with a postcard and post it on the site, if it is approved, then you can receive passive income up to $ 2 from each sale. The more cards approved, the higher the regular profit.

Tongal – earn money on scripts

A good option for additional income for those who want to write scripts for videos. The portal is in English, but the controls are intuitive. Every month there are from 3 to 10 contests. Payment for a suitable script varies from $300 to $500.

Important! If you do not want to shoot a video, then you can only participate in contests to sell ideas.

It is enough to have access to the Internet, follow the mailing list and submit applications on time. But when receiving a technical task, you should be careful. There are both international and regional competitions. If the task involves shooting a video, then it is sponsored by the resource itself, depending on the budget of the customer.

Often the site is used to search for a permanent customer. After passing the competition, they switch to individual cooperation. It will not be possible to earn millions, but it is not difficult to secure a stable income in foreign currency.

Voproso.ru – Russian-language portal for selling ideas

An original resource for making money without investments from scratch. The rules are simple, the customer asks a question and accepts options, the best one pays and reserves the right to use the name, slogan or brand. The site is in the TOP of the best resources on the Russian-speaking Internet, but it is not safe to participate in such brainstorming sessions. The customer gets access to all answers, regardless of whether he paid for them or not.

Important! Payment varies from 1000 to 2500 🪙.

The site will tell you how to earn up to 6000-7000 🪙 per month on your ideas. Here they choose names for YouTube channels, restaurants, bars, entertainment shows, ideas for videos and posts on social networks are accepted. The main thing is to keep track of new requests. To receive income regularly, it is useful to follow the rules:

  • use unique content;
  • take into account the wishes of the customer;
  • stand out from other users;
  • offer something that will be useful to the customer.

It's helpful to ditch empty, pretentious ideas in favor of those that have the potential to increase conversions. After all, most requests are aimed at making a profit (name a bar to attract attention, choose an idea that will attract potential customers, etc.).

Patenting unique ideas

How to make money on ideas: your own + other people

Innovative concepts are in demand, but getting rich on them is problematic. It is necessary to choose ways to convey your idea to the market, what target audience is intended for (women, men, age restrictions, profession features). Ideas about how to make money on the Internet on a unique concept:

  1. Come up with something new. Consider the advantages, uniqueness, applicability of the invention, content, method.
  2. Transfer to media. Draw, write down, practically realize your concept and transfer it to digital media.
  3. Patenting. The most difficult stage, which will take from a month to a year. The cost depends on the scope of the concept.
  4. Sale. It is necessary to find a person who will buy the idea and implement it in his own project.

It is important to consider here that it is difficult to make money on patenting, but it is worth it. They evaluate in advance whether the concept is really useful, by whom it can be used, and what benefit it will bring to the buyer. After patenting and finding a buyer, it is important to make a presentation, then discuss the terms of use and payment. You can create a business yourself based on a patent, receive a percentage of its use, or completely sell the rights to it. This is the answer for those who want to know how to make money not on their ideas, which are not registered in any way.

Concepts that need to be implemented

How to make money on ideas: your own + other people

Selling a pure idea always carries risks. More often they are placed in the public domain, customers simply take them for themselves, without paying for mental work. But there is another way to profit from your talent for generating interesting concepts. This is the creation of your own projects, the sale of blanks and the packaging of an information product that is accessible and useful to people. You need to answer yourself the following questions:

  • what is better to develop, what brings pleasure;
  • what area is most in demand;
  • what can be turned into income without leaving home;
  • which method is the least expensive.

At first, the implementation will not require investments. The main thing is to secure a portfolio, to work for the first time for a minimal fee. Implemented ideas are worth much more than in their pure form, the chance to sell them increases. Creativity, originality of execution and ease of use remain decisive criteria.


Rare ideas about how to make money on the Internet do without a booklet, book, guide, website – all this requires design. Bloggers are releasing guides, looking for social media mask makers and profile designers. Businessmen are constantly looking for the best implementation of website design in order to increase conversion. You can continue indefinitely.

Important! If you find your own style and manner of presenting design, then competition can be avoided.

Design is highly paid, and if combined with the simple skills of a website builder, business cards, covers, then income increases many times over. Food packaging, mugs, textiles, brochures – all this is design.

Online editors will simplify the process, even drawing skills will not be useful. You can start with a freelance exchange, and then move on to individual cooperation or get a freelance job. A profitable area for selling your own ideas.

Photo projects

A way with minimal competition for those who have organizational skills. Photographers are constantly on the lookout for unique portfolio shots to stand out from dozens of competitors. They are willing to pay for unique ideas. Should be considered:

  1. Model. The more unusual the girl or guy, the higher the demand. Any differences in the skin, and in the volume of the body, the form of hairstyles will do.
  2. Location. Pick up or organize a unique location using props.
  3. Clothes. Flowy fabrics, tree foliage, and even simple furnishings can cover up nudity and play up the shot.
  4. Style. Fantasy, western, abstraction, baroque – any direction will do, the main thing is to keep it in detail.

If the idea is worthwhile, then they will want to implement it. Payment for an idea can vary from 500 to 5000 🪙. It is acceptable to write to several photographers at once, and then choose the one whose conditions are acceptable.


Difficult but lucrative earning ideas: schools, workshops, lectures, fan meetings and even photo days are in great demand. It can be done either in person or online. What you can do without leaving home:

  • master class in drawing, cooking;
  • lesson on sewing clothes, underwear;
  • master class on creating jewelry;
  • foreign language lesson;
  • writing class, etc.

If the idea is worthwhile, then you can abandon the lessons, and immediately create your own course. Social networks, special promotion services are suitable for its sale. At the initial stage, it will take a lot of time to think about the idea, create content. But then you should expect regular profits. Many have turned online home schools into profitable businesses.


Building a website is a costly and time-consuming process. Many people want to save money by purchasing paid, free templates for the designer. One of the ways how to quickly make money on other people's ideas, your own developments. The whole process comes down to the algorithm:

  1. Get skills. You can take courses, watch free lessons. The higher the development skill, the more expensive the template will be.
  2. Design a template. A layout is created in a special program, which will then be shown as a demo version.
  3. Post for sale. They use both ready-made stores with templates and create their own resources.

It is important to decide in advance on the color scheme, theme. You should not create simple universal schematic options. It is better to develop separately for cooking, separately for a travel blog, etc. People want to get not just a page on the Internet, but a personalized resource.

The advantage is that you do not need to work directly with customers, meet the terms of reference. Creating and selling templates is a creative process that can be turned into additional income.

Photo stocks

A way to earn extra money for creative individuals who love to take pictures. Emphasis can be placed both on shooting people and on subject photography. The main thing is an original idea that can sell something. Backgrounds on which the client can write something are popular. Tips from professionals:

  • use wood, fabric for the background;
  • stock up on props (beads, cones, ribbons);
  • focus on one audience;
  • post new content regularly.

Pictures of nature and animals are no longer relevant. Customers need material that can be used to sell their product. The advantage of the method is that the photo is laid out once, and dozens of people can buy it. With regular replenishment of the portfolio, sales are constantly growing.

Concepts that do not require implementation

How to make money on ideas: your own + other people

You can monetize content that others will then sell. These can be ideas for blogs, social networks, groups, channels. Advantage in lack of implementation. In order for the concept to sell better, you must:

  • get a portfolio;
  • do 1-2 projects for free to get feedback;
  • analyze competitors and do better;
  • based on the preferences, lifestyle of customers.

The idea is presented concisely when communicating with a blogger, site owner, client. He must get the concept of what he will get for his money, but he will not be able to use the concept without payment. So they give a preview of the content plan, ready-made demo versions of cases already paid for by other users.

Content plan

Bloggers are a source of income for those who want to earn income from generating ideas. Both those who have just started their journey in the social network and those who have been blogging for a long time need a content plan. Algorithm for creating a content plan:

  • study the blogger himself, his hobbies and features of content delivery;
  • make a list of 20-25 post ideas that will be of interest to the audience;
  • distribute posts for a month for regular publication.

It should be borne in mind that content plans with ideas are paid cheaper than those with already written posts. If the generation was successful, then in a month the blogger will again ask for help. With regular work with 4-10 clients, you can secure a good income.

Important! This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. You need to be able to come up with something new so that the posts are not repeated.

For bloggers, content is a source of conversion, they are interested in keeping the audience. If they find someone who offers worthwhile ideas, they are willing to pay for the work regularly. The higher the earnings from the work of a content maker, the higher its demand and remuneration.

Blog concept

Helping aspiring entrepreneurs write articles is a source of growing income. But you need to have a stock of ideas for several months ahead. It is useful to study the audience, pick up the main ideas, chips, catchphrases and headings. The concept takes into account:

  • type and features of content delivery;
  • general style of the blog;
  • types of headings;
  • color scheme, design;
  • posting style.

The concept should be working, attract the attention of the audience and evoke a positive response. Applicable for both blog sites and pages on a social network. It is useful to look at 5-10 pages of competitors in advance in order to assess their strengths and weaknesses. The customer will appreciate the quality of performance if his product compares favorably with competitors. Standard, template options are not for sale.

Concept for info product

Courses and guides are sold both on social networks, on websites, and through massive advertising. Even one-day courses bring tangible regular income. But the peculiarity of the information product is that it has its own validity period, which means that someone is needed who will constantly generate ideas for new courses, checklists, marathons, webinars, cases.

Important! The information product must be related to the blogger's activities.

It is enough to think over a course for losing weight without harm to health, including recommendations on nutrition and physical activity. Contact 2-3 bloggers with an offer and sell your guide to one of them. Because this way people get both a percentage of sales and a one-time payment with the transfer of rights. But the way is also for those who do not know how easy it is to make money on other people's ideas. It is enough to download 3-4 ready-made courses and create a large full-fledged product from them.

Information products with preliminary warming up of the audience are in demand. If sales grow, the blogger will apply again for new content. This selling of ideas can turn into a home-based business with a growing income. Having gained experience, you can create and sell your own information product if there is a platform for implementation.


There are those who easily embody what they want and cannot find a source of inspiration. And there are those who generate ideas, but do not want to engage in implementation. Mutual cooperation is beneficial for both parties. Therefore, the sale of concepts is a sought-after business.

Idea generation is a useful skill that needs to be monetized. To make a profit, you need to decide on the method of implementation. The more effort will be invested, the more expensive you can sell the original concept. The main thing is to constantly improve, increase the portfolio, find new clients. On the sale of concepts, you can build a business, or organize additional income.

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