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How to make money in a day: TOP-3 effective options


Everyone has had such moments when the life situation makes you think how to make money in a day. The reason is usually anything: problems in the family, health expenses or, God forgive me, a mortgage.

Fortunately, in our time, finding a part-time job is no more difficult than going out into the street and shouting “wealth, come." To do this, you only need desire, free time and the Internet. And we will talk about the most popular ways to make money on a temporary basis in this article.

How to earn in a day

Work in the crowd

Large Russian cities are rich in various shootings. Dozens of films, television shows and music videos are filmed here. And for all these shootings actors are required in the extras.

Earn fabulous fees, of course, will not work. But if you are looking for a small part-time job for which you need to spend no more than one working day, then this option is right for you.

In addition, it does not matter what gender, age, skin color and religion you are. For extras, different types are always important, and absolutely every person has a chance to be on the TV screen.

How to make money in a day: TOP-3 effective options

How to make money in a day in extras

As we have said, extras are needed everywhere. But the payment depends on what exactly you will do in the frame. For a day of filming, you can earn from 250 to 2000 🪙. The latter, of course, is much less common, but shooting there is much more interesting.

For participation in television shows as a viewer, they pay a minimum amount of 250-300 🪙. For the most part, during filming, you just have to sit and clap on cue, which is why this amount is so insignificant. But on the other hand, there is enough for lunch or a couple of cups of coffee.

But with work on the set of serials and films, things are better. They are already paying from a thousand 🪙 and more. And at the same time, there is always the opportunity to see your favorite stars, find out how your favorite films are made and how difficult the filming process is in general. Well, in addition to this, learn from your own experience how to make money in a day.

How to make money in a day: TOP-3 effective options

Job Service You Do

Unlike the previous options, here you can use your individual qualities to earn money. Moreover, it may even be those qualities that you did not even suspect.

You Do is a service where people leave a task, and anyone from the list of confirmed performers takes on its implementation.

In simple words, this is a bulletin board with work for every taste. If you are bitten by a Yandex.food courier, take delivery tasks and complete them within the specified time. Do you like doing miracles with your hands? Knit someone a hat. The list of jobs on the site is so huge that really anyone can find a job there.

How to make money in a day on You Do

You don't have to be a nuclear physicist to understand this. It is enough to register on the official website, indicate your data and go through the confirmation process. Once you become a verified contributor, you will be able to take on published assignments.

Or go the other way and publish your resume. But not the official summary, where they always indicate vague stress tolerance and confident PC skills. In this resume, it is better to indicate what you can do and, most importantly, like to do.

And constantly check the list of current tasks, subscribe to updates of the sections you are interested in. So you can always take on the task on time and increase your performer rating.

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