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How to make money for the new year: on New Year’s holidays + TOP business ideas


According to statistics, before the long New Year holidays, the current person spends a monthly salary. And what is left to do? Of course, look for funds for the remaining month. Our article will offer business ideas that will help a person understand how to make money for the New Year itself and not be left without money after it.

Here are collected New Year's business ideas that young and enterprising businessmen will need. What to do?

Business ideas for the new year:

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Sell ​​live or artificial Christmas trees, deliver goods

This is an old but profitable business with many competitors. The main thing is that the seller should be conscientious and sell a quality product, i.e. Christmas trees should be fluffy and fresh. It is equally important to set up a point of sale correctly. The store should be located in a crowded place where a lot of people pass a day.

But to get into this business, you need to prepare for it.

The businessman must:

  • find a shop;
  • obtain a trade permit;
  • equip the outlet according to the law;
  • choose a supplier and conclude an agreement with him.

Do not forget about the markup. On New Year's holidays, it can be equal to 100% of the cost of the Christmas tree.

Remember: the cheaper the product itself, the more profit it will make.

Artificial Christmas trees are popular. Why is this so? The fact is that they are easy to store, you can buy them at any time of the year at a normal price. And this product has a wide range. They differ in color, shape, size. The buyer will be able to find a product to his taste. You can sell such a product at a point of sale or even via the Internet, i.e. sitting at home. And a businessman can also buy them in bulk, and then rent artificial Christmas trees to individuals or firms.

If a businessman does not want to receive all the necessary papers, then he can deliver goods to an apartment or office. But for this, he also needs to choose a point of sale of the goods, negotiate with the seller, advertise the goods and tell in the advertisement about the services and methods of delivery of the goods. Moreover, you can also deal with delivery separately or organize it while sitting at home, i.e. through the Internet.

sell Christmas trees

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

You can sell small Christmas trees that can be put in the car or on the table in the office.

A lot of time a person spends in a private car or in the office. So why not decorate the table with a festive Christmas tree. A businessman can retail products or sell goods via the Internet.

Sell ​​Christmas garlands

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

All people decorate their homes with a garland, not only the Christmas tree, but the whole house. It is very fashionable to decorate the rooms, the facade of the building, the house, the territory next to the house. You can make money on the sale of Christmas tree garlands for the new year.

The businessman can:

  • engage in retail trade of goods;
  • sell goods via the Internet;
  • decorate the premises with Christmas tree decorations.

Moreover, if a businessman has creative skills, then he can decorate houses himself or hire workers.

Remember: a businessman will need special heavy equipment to decorate houses and other structures. Therefore, do not forget about its cost when setting prices for your services.

Sell ​​fireworks, sparklers, other pyrotechnics

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

These products are in demand among people during the New Year holidays. But creating such a New Year's business, a businessman should not forget about some requirements. For example, all pyrotechnic products are divided into 5 classes according to the level of danger. And for the sale of products with a 4-5 level of danger, you need to obtain a special license. But if a businessman gets the necessary permits, he will be able to rise well in such a simple business.

But for the sale of goods with hazard levels 1-3, paper is not required.

For example, they do not need to be received if a person sells:

  • sparklers;
  • candles;
  • ground fireworks;
  • fountains;
  • firecrackers;
  • salute batteries.

You can buy goods from Chinese sites. You need to sell inexpensive products with simple controls. The store is advised to open in a shopping center or in the market. Only there a businessman will not have to think about fire safety at his point.

Sell ​​Christmas toys

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

To decorate a Christmas tree, a person needs Christmas decorations. Businessmen can open a business selling small Christmas balls and decorations. Moreover, it is advisable not to sell expensive jewelry. And if a person has design abilities, then he can create his own Christmas decorations and sell them through his store. Tinsel, which can also be sold, is also in demand among buyers.

Wrap Christmas gifts

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

What to do if there are a lot of ribbons, bows, gift paper and other paraphernalia left at home? Of course, open a Christmas gift wrapping business. It is better to pack gifts in a large shopping center. Demand will be in tents located next to a large store of toys, cosmetics, perfumes, linen.

Manufacture and sell New Year's gift packages, corporate packages

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

You can open a business for the new year by selling beautiful New Year's gift bags. Moreover, a businessman can develop his own design, create unique packages and sell them. You can sell this product at a very good price.

You can also sell packages with the company logo. It is in companies that they buy New Year's packages with a logo for gifts. Such products of the company are perfect as a gift for a partner, a major client, a supplier.

Pack and sell fruit Christmas baskets

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Fruit baskets and cuts can become a wonderful decoration for the New Year's table. Such business can be done by those entrepreneurs who have connections with a vegetable base, a shop.

Such goods will be bought for children's matinees, corporate events, private clients.

Pack and sell New Year's baskets of tea, chocolate, coffee, sweets, champagne

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Particularly enterprising businessmen can sell special New Year's sets.

You can create sets from:

  • sweets and tea, coffee;
  • chocolate and champagne, decorated with Christmas balls, twigs, cones.

It all depends on the imagination and wishes of the customer.

Remember: you can sell such baskets without a license, because. alcohol included in the set is considered a gift. And the rest is just New Year's attributes. But certificates and checks for alcoholic products will not be superfluous.

Manufacture and sell New Year's confectionery, cakes

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Businessmen with confectionery skills will like this business. You can create New Year-themed pastries to order at home or open a point of sale.

You can make:

  • cookies and snowmen in the form of a symbol of the year, a Christmas tree, a snowman or Santa Claus;
  • cupcakes in the form of a Christmas tree filled with cream and balls.

Additionally, you can make delicious homemade cakes and New Year's cakes.

Such products are in special demand among all citizens. Customers will come again, become regular customers. Such a business can grow from New Year's Eve into a permanent one, and bring a decent income.

Sell ​​New Year symbols, souvenirs

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Every person before the New Year accumulates New Year's paraphernalia.

It can be:

  • hats;
  • t-shirts;
  • sweaters;
  • mugs;
  • photo albums;
  • calendars;
  • Carnival masks;
  • magnets;
  • toys.

The main thing is to sell high-quality and original products. For example, a businessman can create original New Year's magnets and sell them himself. Such goods can be given to retailers or sold via the Internet. Additionally, the client can sell paraphernalia with the symbol of the company.

sell delicacies

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

You can make good money on products. The main thing is to buy a product that is not sold in the city where the businessman lives. And you can also sell goods that are in the city where the businessman lives, but in small quantities.

Before selling a product, you need to identify the demand for it. If it is, then the businessman can deal with its delivery and sale. Anything can be sold. It can be black caviar, pineapples and watermelons.

Buy costumes and congratulate children

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

For people with artistic abilities, this business is most suitable. The main thing is that a businessman:

  • found a partner or partner;
  • picked up a special suit;
  • thought out the scenario of the holiday.

Having prepared, the businessman himself can go home and congratulate people on the holiday. Moreover, he can go to the client's home, to a children's party or attend adult corporate parties.

The choice of event depends on the scenario. Do not forget about advertising. Only in this way people will know about the businessman, and he will be able to earn a lot of money.

Reply to emails

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Letters to Santa Claus are written by all children, but not everyone receives an answer to this letter. Named congratulations from Santa Claus are in demand. Parents will certainly want to please their child with such a gift. Such a business will be in demand in kindergartens and other children's institutions.

Organize celebrations and write scripts for them

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

To get a good income, a businessman can organize children's and adult holidays.

For business, a person needs:

  • find a place where the holiday will be held, decorate it;
  • make a holiday program;
  • select a host and artists who will host the show;
  • write a script;
  • prepare a festive table.

In addition, you can write scripts and sell them to companies.

work as a Christmas photographer

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Photography is profitable at any time. Moreover, a specialist can travel to clients or receive them in the studio. A traveling photographer can work at matinees, events, corporate parties. For photo sessions in the studio, you need to organize the scenery, install the light, pay the stylist.

And a businessman can also make family New Year's albums. Such albums can be presented to grandma or grandpa.

work as a nanny

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Before the New Year, parents have a lot to do and there is no time left for children. And at this time, anyone can make good money. For example, you can provide babysitting services.

And if you come in a festive costume, then the children will not want to let such a nanny go home.

Look after pets

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Often people, tired of the Moscow heat, leave for the New Year holidays in warmer climes. But not every hotel accepts pets.

And people who stay at home come to the aid of such owners. Give them a pet. And on this you can earn good money.

Work as a sober driver

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

After the New Year holiday, a person should not drive. In such cases, the services of a sober driver will come in handy.

Moreover, the services of a pedestrian guide, who is obliged to deliver the customer home on foot, by taxi or by his own car, become relevant.

Sewing and selling New Year's costumes, renting them out

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

For women who know how to sew, this way of earning will be to their liking. You can create and sew New Year's costumes at home, and then sell them or rent them out. Children's suits of different sizes are in demand. Costumes for adults can be made to order.

Additionally, a lady can find a wholesale supplier, buy suits from him, sell them or rent them out. That's how you can earn. It's better to rent costumes. But such suits must be properly stored and carefully used. Only in this way the costumes will last a long time.

Decorate, clean an apartment or house before or after a holiday

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

After the holiday in the apartment there is always a lot of garbage. And special people will help to cope with it. After all, it is much easier to pay a person who cleans up than to do everything yourself. These services are used by both individuals and companies.

Additionally, a specialist can decorate a house or apartment for the holiday. The main thing is that he has creative skills. You can call a real professional for help.

Deliver Christmas gifts

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

People who like to drive a car and do not abuse alcoholic beverages will like this business. Nothing special needs to be done here. You need to deliver Christmas gifts home.

And you can deliver not only gifts.

It can be:

  • postcards;
  • invitations;
  • letters;
  • gifts from the customer's company.

And you can deliver gifts and not yourself. This may be a special person who at the end of the day will report to his manager on the work done, provide a form with the signatures of the recipients. No experience is required for this job. Work is provided to responsible and punctual workers.

Sell ​​hot drinks in crowded places

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

On holidays, people walk a lot on the street. He buys hot drinks and food to keep warm. On such purchases you can make a real business. Moreover, if you find a place with a large number of people and get up with drinks there, then you can make good money like that.

Taxiing by car on holidays

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

On New Year's holidays, people move around the city by taxi. And the demand for it at this time is high. You can earn on this. Moreover, the price for a trip at this time increases by 100, 300%. A person who decides to earn extra money does not need to immediately run into a taxi and ask to get him a job.

A businessman can also be a private driver. Moreover, customers can be found among friends and colleagues. The main thing is to advertise yourself in advance and attend a corporate party at work.

Not the last place in such a business is occupied by a car. It must be clean and the driver must be neat and make a good impression.

Prepare New Year's dinners

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Such a service will be in demand among firms and large organizations, because on holidays, a New Year's buffet table is arranged in each organization.

And the demand here is not for sliced ​​cheeses and sausages, but for pleasant cuts and dishes. You can cook them at home, and serve them in beautifully decorated New Year's disposable dishes. Moreover, you can even prepare themed dinners from dishes belonging to the cuisines of different countries and peoples.

Rent an apartment or house

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

During the New Year holidays, the cost of real estate for rent increases by 3-4 times. You can earn money on this. For example, the services of an intermediary when renting an apartment on New Year's holidays is 10-50% of the transaction amount. A businessman can also rent out his own property.

For example, he can find it, negotiate a commission with the owner, offer property to friends and acquaintances. When making a pre-rental, you need to take an advance.

Deliver products

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Now there are many food delivery services. But during the New Year holidays, the demand for them is so great that they are not enough. A person can be in this business.

For example, you can buy products and bring them home to the customer. You can also buy alcohol at night and deliver it to the customer. Such a business idea by the new year will be in special demand.

Create a shopping blog, sell products online

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

On shopping via the Internet, you can earn money not only on New Year's holidays, but also at other times.

The blog can talk about:

  • stores;
  • gifts;
  • discounts;
  • promotional offers in stores.

Moreover, all stories can be supported by your own photo. So the views of such a blog will be more.

Make Christmas albums and calendars

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

An album or calendar can be a great gift for the New Year holiday. Moreover, individuals can make albums or calendars according to their own design. For example, the album may contain a photo of the customer.

Companies can also order such products. For them, the gift can be decorated with the company logo. And for the album, you can take the best photos from the corporate party. Such a gift will appeal to every employee of the company.

decorate food

How to make money for the new year: on New Year's holidays + TOP business ideas

Such a business is in demand among busy and wealthy citizens who love to eat beautifully decorated food. Moreover, a businessman can independently buy the necessary products, earn extra money as a waiter, and clean up leftover food after a feast. But all these services are provided for a fee.

I would like to place a business in a separate category in which the client is provided with services for the exchange of unnecessary gifts. After the holiday, each person has a lot of them. Moreover, you can not only sell a gift and get money for it, but also exchange it for another gift.

To make a profit, a businessman only needs to create his own website, blog, page, advertise it. The site owner's commission is his profit or the seller's payment for confidentiality.


To summarize: there are a lot of ideas on how to make money before the new year. Moreover, a person himself can do business or he can hire people, pay them a percentage for their work, and also make a profit. Later, you can even organize your own network and work not only on New Year's holidays.

Do not forget about advertising, which is considered the engine of trade. If there is no advertising, then no one will know about such a businessman. This means that he will not have any profit from the business.

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