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How to make money for a schoolboy: real ways to earn extra money for minors


Every teenager dreams of having their own income. And as little as possible to depend on parents. With your own money, you can always go to the cinema without restrictions, spend it on your favorite hobby, and even buy a fashionable gadget. However, work should not interfere with studies. Below are legal ways to earn extra money for the summer. After reading them, you will learn how to earn money as a student online and offline.

Maintaining your own blog

How can a student make money online? If you have something to tell the world, try writing your own articles on popular sites. For example, in LiveJournal or Instagram. What to write about? Traveling, visiting interesting places, describing your pets. Or advice on preparing for school exams – all this will interest the target audience. Living language, details, beautiful pictures or photographs. Well, neat design is the key to your success.

Participation in surveys

Active answers to questions from different companies and online stores will help you earn pocket money. Rublklub, Internetopros are the most popular services. And the withdrawal of money is possible on electronic wallets. But the cost of one completed questionnaire is about 30 🪙. For a part-time job, you need to provide your real data.


How can a student make money online? Copywriting or rewriting is a good option without investment. And it suits teenagers with excellent knowledge of the current language and punctuality. It's simple: register on one of the exchanges (Writeraccess, Text.ru), start applying for orders of interest. And complete them on time. The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult for beginners to get an expensive order due to high competition. But a student can always count on a little money.

Creation of simple sites

It seems complicated only at first glance. Any student can learn how to create small websites on the WordPress platform. It is enough just to understand the features of controlling this engine.

You don't have to be an experienced programmer to do this. In just a few weeks, you will learn how to create business card sites and one-pagers.

Because they are often required by small firms and individual entrepreneurs.

Features of earning money on Youtube

Interested in cosmetics and make-up? Can you do what others can't? Then show it to the whole world in your interesting videos!

It can be reviews of games or movies. Or video instructions for cooking delicious dishes or needlework. The more views your videos get, the more money you get. Such employment is quite appropriate in your free time from study.

How to earn a student without the Internet

How can a student earn money offline? Here are some interesting professions. All of them are related to acquiring new skills and communicating with people.

Animator or camper

This is a good idea for sociable schoolchildren who like to spend their summer actively. And communicate with other children and participate in various entertainment. Good organizational skills, endurance and stress resistance are required from you. You can participate in any recreational activities. Including from large companies that hold contests and promotions to increase their sales.

Distribution of leaflets

This is the most common way to earn money for a student, with a large number of vacancies. The work of a promoter is to distribute promotional materials to passers-by near shops, cafes, public transport stops, and other crowded places. As a rule, this is employment for several hours, but there are pitfalls: not all people will want to take promotional materials from you, and besides, you will have to spend time on your feet, in cold and hot weather, which means that good health is required.

Making money from hobbies

Are you able to do something with your own hands? Great, because you can earn money on it! You can sell your embroidery, knitting, painted pictures or children's toys (the latter, as well as clothing, are especially popular). How can a student make money on his hobby if you don't have a lot of friends? Start a group on a social network where you can present your products, post photos and communicate with other users.

How can a student earn money without risk and investment?

Teens are often scammed. We will give recommendations that will help you to get your money guaranteed without conflicts:

  1. Do not take a job that is against the law. Child labor at night, the transfer of narcotic drugs – all this can lead to trouble.
  2. Remember that there is no easy money on the Internet. If you are offered to simply retype files, 60 thousand 🪙 for a couple of hours of work a day, it is better to refuse such offers. In addition, no conscientious employer will offer to make an advance payment (for example, for educational materials).
  3. Do not be seduced by dubious types of earnings (bookmakers, slot machines). All this is based on excitement and deception of users, which means that you will simply lose your money, but you will not earn any new ones.
  4. If you get a job offline, require the conclusion of a contract.

Now you have learned how to make money as a schoolboy. With due diligence, a teenager can get from 5 to 20 thousand a month. Remember that almost any work activity is associated with preliminary training and a thorough study of the chosen field. Do not forget to also pay attention to basic studies, prepare for exams in order to subsequently get a highly paid position.

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