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How to find a job online: useful tips


Making money online is becoming more and more popular. Freelancers are students and former office workers who are tired of taking public transport every morning. And spend 8 hours in the office, of course. But how to find a job on the Internet?

We will cover this in this article.

Visit freelance exchanges

This is great advice for newbies who don't know where to start looking. peopleperhour.com, Weblancer, Freelance.com and other projects contain many vacancies for remote employees. For example, for web designers, copywriters, SEO specialists, programmers and translators.

Here is the work on the Internet without cheating. Indeed, many projects are carried out according to the rule of a secure transaction: the client creates an order and deposits money. And they are blocked on his account until the performer completes the task.

To succeed in this way, visit only large sites. Otherwise, there will be few orders, and competition will be too high. As you gain experience, you will collect a portfolio, gain rating. And this means that many customers will contact you first.

On the stock exchanges, you can find good jobs online. However, many of them are fairly low-priced. Therefore, they are only suitable for beginner freelancers.

Don't Ignore Social Media

A few years ago, this method was irrelevant. But now every person has a page in social networks. There are many freelance communities on Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, where there are ads from customers. Submit your applications, showcase your portfolio and talk about your skills.

Do not be discouraged if you did not succeed in finding a client this way the first time. The more active you are, the more likely you are to be selected.

The advantages of this method are the opportunity to choose a profitable job at home on conditions that are comfortable for you. However, in this case, you need to check each potential client. Do not agree to free order fulfillment. And beware of empty customer profiles, otherwise you may be scammed.

Also Read: Most in-demand careers in 2019

Websites with vacancies

You can search for jobs on the Internet on well-known sites. For example SuperJob. More and more managers prefer to keep a staff of remote employees, including those from other regions. In this case, you can save on jobs and equipment. At the same time, labor relations are still conducted under a contract. On the websites you can find many offers. From accountant and call center consultant to copywriter.

The main advantage of this method is the ability to earn honestly and without investment. Under the contract, with deductions to the FIU. However, offers to work from home are still only found in large cities. Therefore, if you live in a small town, the chances of finding an official position without visiting the office are lower.

A few more recommendations

Finding a remote job with real earnings is not a one-day job. And it takes effort and patience. Here are some basic tips to help you get started wherever you are.

1 Portfolio

Create a portfolio with examples of your projects (choose only the best options). These can be links to created sites, examples of published texts, translations, and so on. It is important for a potential customer to see that you are competent in your field and stand out from your competitors.

2 Summary

If you are going to work under an employment or civil law contract, make a full-fledged resume indicating education, experience, and professional skills.

3 Without test tasks

Do not settle for free test tasks, especially if they are large in volume. It is possible that you will not be paid for this order, and you will only lose time.

4 No investment

Remember that the most honest earnings are without investments. If you are asked to pay for training or supplies, register for a fee, bypass such offers โ€“ they come from scammers.

Offers to earn for a simple โ€œtyping" are still popular, but in most cases they are designed for naive beginners.

5 Get active

Be active. Half of the success depends on whether you know how to correctly and interestingly present your services.

Leave non-standard and memorable offers, try to do it every day, try to cooperate with several customers at once. Only in this way will you ensure yourself a stable income, and not a one-time part-time job.

6 Learn

Take training courses, especially if they are free, regularly read professional literature.

Freelancing does not stand still, so you have to get acquainted with new technologies and methods, constantly improve your skills if you want to remain in demand in this area.


Please note: some exchanges offer to purchase a paid account so that your offers are the first, and customers choose you more often. This is a good option that will help you become popular. If you know your business well and can interest clients, then this small investment will quickly pay off.

The real way to find a job on the Internet is to send offers, applications on exchanges, forums, social networks, in feedback forms on various sites. If you are no longer a beginner and want to increase the number of orders, increase the cost of your services, you can think about creating your own website. It will become a kind of business card in which you will present your services. Here you can also place examples of completed projects and a price list. To increase traffic to the Internet resource, add interesting articles about your activities to the section.

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