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💰 Personal financial management
If you want to effectively manage your finances and regularly increase your income, make serious purchases and not save every dollar later to pay off your debts, in ...
Read More... How is money different from finance?
What is the difference between "money" and "finance"? Why is finance a broader and more important concept than…
“Money books” – what they recommend reading for those who want…
Each of the books below is designed to inspire you and give you a little bit of information from one of the areas…
Test your financial literacy. From this small note, you will find out at what level you are now, and what you still have to go through. 0 level. "No money". This is pr...
Read More... Personal finance theory
If you do not count money and do not follow them, then by the end of your life you can find that the bank accounts…
3 reliable ways to keep track of personal finances
Have you decided to change your life for the better and start taking into account expenses? Then you need to know…
If you are not ready to make an effort to improve your financial situation, the article most likely will not help you in any way. This financial law (or rule) for the first time will form ...
Read More... 50-20-30: we distribute our income correctly
How can you improve your profit stream? After reading this article, you will learn a few rules and secrets, thanks…
Debit, credit, balance and other scary words
For a person far from the financial sector, accounting will always be something complicated and not very clear, but…
To be confident in your financial well-being is the cherished dream of almost every person. This is especially true for people with families and children, i.е. financially dependent on...