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Business ideas for a small town


The difficult economic situation in the country is a suitable environment for starting your own business. But to become successful, you need to know the basic and really working business ideas for a small town. Only a high-quality idea for a start guarantees minimizing risks.

Interesting information! Despite the criticism, Our country is considered a suitable place to start a business from scratch. According to statistics, 70% of today's successful businessmen started without sufficient financial support. But start-up capital (even minimal) is certainly needed.

This article will give not only small town business ideas, but also practical advice. Let's hope they help you avoid mistakes.

Note! In the final block No. 4, options are offered for people who want to engage in agriculture or animal husbandry to receive a permanent high income.

Why is it important to start a business with minimal investment?

Business ideas for a small town

The article will offer three directions in which you can open a business with minimal investment. But first, it is recommended to read about the aspects that affect success in each of the proposed options:

  1. Selected business ideas in a small town need to be tested. It may seem that the option is good and profitable. But in practice the situation will be different. The market should be studied. And only after that invest the accumulated money.
  2. You don't need to invest all at once. Especially if it's limited. You should start with the most necessary – a set that is needed to get the first profit.
  3. Preparation is more important than execution. The main thing is to clearly think over a sales plan for products or ways to develop a client base to provide services to a future company. Without this, there will be no profit.

Note! Small businesses most often fail in the early stages. That is why investments should be minimized. Loss and setbacks are normal. Because it is possible to learn about the prospects of an idea only if you test it.

Top profitable ideas for starting a business in a small town

Business ideas for a small town

For many centuries, three branches of business have been relevant: trade, services and construction. But in each of these niches there are especially profitable offshoots that are ideal as a business idea in a small town. It is about them that will be discussed.

Direction No. 1: Trade

Business ideas for a small town

When choosing this niche, it is important to remember that a lot depends on the location of the outlet. A good place is a guarantee of a stable income. But if the location is chosen incorrectly, you can burn out even with a really good product.

1 Custom auto parts store

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
2000 dollars thirty% 3 to 6 months Depends on the area

The option is advantageous for its simplicity and the need for a minimum start-up capital. In addition, the product will always have its buyer. It is difficult to find something worthwhile on the windows of car dealerships in small towns. And motorists of the older generation rarely use the Internet.

To get started, you need to buy the most popular spare parts. Consumables can be purchased after the receipt of the first orders. If there is no money for the purchase of expensive spare parts, you can take an advance payment. You can even start in your own garage. And then rent a room.

Of the important is the search for a reliable supplier and the terms of cooperation. Misunderstandings can be avoided by concluding a preliminary contract. The main thing is that the goods sold are of high quality. It is enough to deliver the goods once a week, and if there are a large number of customers, the frequency can be increased.

2 Household goods store

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
2000-7000 dollars Up to 70% Up to 1 year Medium-high

A niche that is highly competitive, but household goods are in constant demand, so feel free to open a store – customers will come. Residents of nearby houses will become buyers, so you should choose a place where there are no direct competitors, or they are located further away (in a neighboring microdistrict). For a successful start, follow these rules:

  1. Analyze the market by reacting to changes in prices or the range of competitors.
  2. Carefully select goods for sale, they must be of high quality, inexpensive and popular.
  3. Suppliers must be reliable. Consider cooperation with suppliers from other regions, often their prices are lower.

Important to remember! The highest margin can be made only on everyday goods. Products purchased infrequently must remain available.

3 Sale of fruits and vegetables

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
200-4000 dollars Up to 50% 3-6 months Low-medium

A suitable option, because the minimum investment is needed, and with the right organization, the business will begin to generate income, recouping the costs in a month. When considering business ideas for a small town and deciding to open a point selling vegetables and fruits, remember that two solutions are possible here:

  1. Immediately open a store by buying or renting a building.
  2. Rent a scarf at the market or sell products directly from the minibus.

The implementation is quite simple. For example, at the beginning of summer, go to a region where watermelons are already ripe. Buy them and bring them to a colder region, where there are no own watermelons yet. Of course they will buy. The situation is similar with strawberries, raspberries and other berries. Vegetables are considered essential products, the main thing here is the right price.

Direction No. 2: Provision of services

Business ideas for a small town

The provision of small services such as repairing clothes, a hairdresser or performing other types of work is always relevant and in demand. A man cannot cut his own hair, and women always want to look beautiful. When thinking about what kind of business to do in a small town, be sure to consider the ideas below.

1 Sewing and repairing clothes

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
$3500 150 to 300% From 6 months Average

This is an option that will be of interest to women. Investments are minimal, and the profit will be good with the right approach to the organization. When choosing a direction for the future atelier, it is important to remember that you can adjust clothes to the desired size and repair, or take orders for tailoring according to the sizes provided by the client.

To achieve success, you need to choose the right room – this is 50% of the task. The second important point is the search for an experienced seamstress. An experienced employee (or employees) is the second 50% of the right start. When counting investments, you need to remember:

  1. Cost of materials.
  2. Room rental.
  3. Seamstress salary.

The last point is especially important. You can negotiate a salary tied to a percentage of the income from the received orders, or a fixed rate.

2 Hairdresser

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
Up to 2000 dollars Up to 250% 3-5 months Medium-high

The niche is in demand, which is proved by the high level of competition. But the option will pay off, because demand creates supply. It is important to learn how to differ from competitors and offer favorable conditions to customers.

You can even start at home, equipping a specific room for such needs, but in the future you will have to expand to receive the expected profit. When calculating investments, consider:

  1. Room rental.
  2. Optional equipment.
  3. Paperwork.

Often, people decide to open hairdressing salons after visiting a college or special courses on their own. In this case, you can start without looking for additional staff, personally providing services to clients.

Note! Hairdressing doesn't just mean haircuts. You can do manicures, make-up, eyebrow correction or offer services that are relevant for your city.

3 Well drilling

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
Up to $5,000 70-500% 3-6 months Short

In small towns with an extensive private sector, such services are in demand when there is no centralized water supply. In addition, it is much more profitable to drill a well for watering a summer cottage or personal plot than to pay for cubic meters. Entrepreneurs understand this.

This is a popular and productive business idea for a small town, but in order to realize your plan, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Buy transport for transportation of equipment.
  2. Order a drilling rig, sleeves, pumps, drills.
  3. Hire experienced performers to get the job done.

Given the absence of competitors and the average level of orders, the invested money pays off already in a month or two. You can offer services not only in the city, but also in the surrounding villages, while increasing the cost of services.

Direction No. 3: Construction and repair

Business ideas for a small town

It is difficult to name a period in which construction was unprofitable. Today, the construction of houses, arbors, fences and other buildings brings regular income to business owners in this niche. But a popular option will also be the manufacture of paving slabs, foam blocks or cinder blocks. Repairs in the house are also required constantly, the niche is in demand and makes a profit. Let's consider these options.

1 Production of foam blocks

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
Up to $1500 50-150% 3 months Average

The popularity of concrete building materials is falling. Today, foam and gas blocks are considered in demand. Breaking into this niche means getting a chance to make money with minimal start-up costs.

This is a business idea for a small town, which is not already taken everywhere. Therefore, it is possible to become a monopolist, but a successful start is possible only if certain steps are followed:

  1. You will need a room.
  2. Special equipment.
  3. Mixes for creating blocks, sand and cement.
  4. Employees (two people will be enough at the initial stage)
  5. Sales market.

With quality work, you can establish yourself as a reliable supplier, which will ensure the existence of a sales market for years to come. For this, it is important to use only good raw materials.

2 Finishing and renovation of premises

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
From 0 to 1000 dollars Up to 300% Up to 3 months Medium-high

If you still don't have an idea what kind of business to do in a small town, consider this option carefully. This solution benefits from the ability to work with minimal investment or even without it, if the necessary tools are already available.

For many years, the demand for construction teams that make repairs in a house, apartment or other type of premises has been constantly high. If you have experience, entering the market for these services will not be difficult. For this you need:

  1. Assistants who have experience in carrying out internal and external works.
  2. Tools for reliable service delivery.
  3. Thoughtful advertising.

A working way of advertising in a small town is word of mouth. If it turns on, there will be no end to clients. The main thing is to do the job reliably and not overcharge.

Direction No. 4: Agriculture

Business ideas for a small town

Having your own piece of land opens up enviable prospects for novice businessmen. To start a home business in the yard, one desire is enough. But even if you live in an apartment, find ways to implement the three business ideas below for a small town.

1 Growing strawberries in greenhouses

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
Up to $5,000 50 to 500% From 1 month Medium-high

Strawberries are loved by adults and children. Compotes and jam are cooked from it, added to pastries and eaten fresh. But for cultivation, minimal costs are required if there is a plot of sufficient size. A new way of growing is the use of not beds, but bags installed in greenhouses. At the same time, costs are minimized, and income increases. To implement this business idea for a small town, you will need:

  1. In the absence of a site – rent.
  2. Greenhouses (buy ready-made or build yourself).
  3. Soil for bags.
  4. Drip irrigation.
  5. Humidity and temperature control equipment.

It is extremely profitable to grow berries in winter, when the price of this product rises 5-10 times. Sales increase during the holidays: New Year, Christmas, March 8 and others.

2 Growing vegetables and herbs

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
Up to $500 100 to 300% 3 months Average

What kind of business to open in a small town with a land plot? Of course, greenhouses. Tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers and herbs will be in demand even in winter. Especially when it comes to the cold season, when the season has passed.

This option is similar to the solutions described above, since the items listed are suitable for it and will require similar financial investments. In addition to the greenhouse, soil and drip irrigation, organic fertilizers, mineral supplements and seeds of crops selected for sale will be required.

There shouldn't be any implementation issues. You can offer the grown vegetables and herbs to the nearest supermarket, agreeing on the time and quantity of deliveries (a profitable option) or sell them yourself on the market.

Interesting information! Often women of retirement age grow greens and lettuce on the balcony in the apartment, selling them on the market. This is already a profitable business, but the scale is small.

3 Breeding purebred dogs

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
Up to 2000 dollars 50 to 500% 6 months – 2 years Average

Today, a thoroughbred dog is valued at tens of thousands of dollars. It takes very little space to start this business. You should have small breed female and male dogs in the apartment and thus receive income from the sale of puppies.

But these will only be pets. To grow dogs, you need to have enough space, because bulldogs, shepherd dogs, and amstaffs are considered popular breeds. Such dogs cannot be kept in apartment conditions.

First you need to equip the territory, provide the dogs with good nutrition and hire a trainer, or do the training yourself. To start, you need to buy a cable and his “wife" with a pedigree. Puppies can be sold on Internet sites or by writing your own website.

Bonus: seasonal business ideas and knowledge sales

Business ideas for a small town

If we are talking about a small town that is interesting for tourists, you can implement some business ideas for a small town that require minimal investment, but can bring good income. For example, conducting excursions, selling hand-made souvenirs. But the best option is discussed below.

Trade in kvass and ice cream

Start-up capital Possible markup Deadlines for going to zero Level of competition
Up to 1000 dollars Up to 200% From 1 month Average

In the summer heat, people gravitate towards stalls selling cold drinks and ice cream. With a competent approach, this can be used to make a profitable business that brings constant profit. The profitability of the business is obvious, and the investments are minimal.

The season lasts up to 4 months, but the payback occurs within the first 30 days, which allows you to receive the desired income in the future. To start, you need to rent a room or put up tents at advantageous points (crowded places). You will also need merchants and the products themselves. The last factor is really important, because you need to check the quality certificates.

Note! For all the benefits, seasonal business can be risky. For example, ice cream and kvass will be bought weakly if the summer turned out to be cold and rainy.

How to sell your knowledge

The situation when a person has unique knowledge, but cannot make money on it, is quite common. If you are one of them and are looking for what business to open in a small town, one of the options below may be suitable:

  1. Recording video lessons. To implement the idea, you need to have a computer and be able to speak competently and clearly, intelligibly explaining the necessary material. Any service can become a product, for example, lessons on creating websites or the correct work with Photoshop.
  2. Electronic book. Gadgets are developing, many prefer to read on tablets or phones. Writing your own e-book is a good, timely idea.
  3. Webinar. This is a video lecture that lasts 2-3 hours, during which the lecturer transfers knowledge to the audience.
  4. Online consultation. Individual consultation on solving various issues can take place via Skype. Good option for home business. Suitable for programmers, lawyers and specialists in other professions.
  5. Seminars. Live in front of an interested audience. The topic can be any, the main thing is to be able to speak correctly and understand the topic.

You can earn money everywhere, the main thing is desire. Many of the billionaires that books are written about today started out empty-handed, living in slums. All they had was a dream. They did it, and you can too.


What kind of business to open in a small town? In fact, the issue is not so relevant. You need to approach the issue individually, because the market is unpredictable. An idea that has brought millions in one city may not be in demand in another. The main thing is to correctly analyze the market using the tips given at the beginning of the article. Each of the proposed ideas is working, the main thing is dedication and diligence

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