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Business from Scratch: Startup Ideas Come from Family and Experience


Do you want to start a business from scratch? Reflections and intellectual searches lead nowhere. How to move from thoughts to actions is a question as old as the world. How to find customers who buy? We do not promise you to make a fairy tale come true – this article is about how a client's desire to buy can be turned into money.

You know what they say – business is born with the first deal. But how to make the first deal if you don't even know what area you are going to build your business in?

Our first tip is to make a list of niches.

Don't limit your imagination. Let it be long. Max. Don't know where to start? Take advantage of our tips:


The first area we recommend paying attention to is education.

Your education. What have you been doing for five years? Or maybe you studied much longer?

Remember right now what is written in your diploma. Did you receive additional education, special or university? Irrelevant.

Focus now not on status, but on where you have invested the most precious thing that everyone has at the start – their time.

In any case, whatever you devote these years to, remember. You have an advantage over other people. Because on this topic you simply have more information.

What gives us education? Over five niches to list to build a business from scratch

Not sure what niches you can fill with an education like yours? When was the last time you were at an alumni reunion? Find your classmates or just find out from social networks, for example, what they are doing now. This will help you continue the list.

Why is it needed

To write a big list. You do not have to love those areas in which your classmates have successfully or not very settled. Why is this list needed? To start shaping a different way of thinking.

Push off the stage at which you stopped in the educational process. This will help you start generating ideas.

No "tower"? Then start from school education, tutoring or additional courses. Is there nothing at all? Then let your life experience be the fulcrum: from working on construction sites to working as a nanny. Even if your parents left you with a younger brother or sister, this is also your experience. So what was your time spent on?

Start remembering. Business from scratch starts with thinking. In order for the car to drive and work properly, it is necessary to start the engine and let it “wake up". Give your brain a chance to wake up.

Oh, by the way, about babysitting with your brother or sister. We did not just take this example. The next destination for your list is closely related to relatives


How do you perceive your family? Have you ever looked at your parents, relatives and other loved ones as a field of opportunity?

What are your relatives doing? All areas of activity where your relatives are involved are open to you. And if, for example, you think that you are not capable of being a manager, and your father is one of the best in this area in his circle, it's time to be surprised. You, too, can be successful in this area. You have all the possibilities at the genetic level. And it depends only on you whether you decrypt them and apply them or leave them in “sleep mode”. But this is already psychology, and today we have a “business day”.

In this case, you have, as it were, two possibilities – one genetic, the other social. You have access to the markets and competencies of your loved ones. Of course, the situation becomes more complicated if you are in a difficult relationship.

But if you want to learn how to build a business, you will have to master the art of communication and become a master negotiator. Why not start to improve in this area in the field of your family and relatives. In any case, this practice will prove useful. If you would like to make contact. If the dislike is very strong, this idea may not work, or it may not work as quickly as you would like.

But there is another side of the coin.

Sell ​​your relatives

For example, your uncle is a massage therapist. He's a pro and is great at fixing people. And if you are going to make money on information, then here's an idea for you – a business from scratch. Your uncle knows how to work with bodies, but most likely he has absolutely no idea how to sell himself. Therefore, you can, of course, start “manually” unpacking your DNA files in search of a talent for osteopathy, or you can help your uncle find clients for a percentage of royalties.

So you will improve both your social interaction, and your and your uncle's financial situation. That's all for today. Think about which of your relatives needs informational help and support more than others and provide it.

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