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Business formula as a way to make money


The business formula is a way to make money. There are many ways to make money now. Each of them requires a different amount of investment, gives a different result and at a different speed. However, there is the most popular formula, which is used by most businessmen, because it is quite cheap and at the same time gives a quick result.

At a time when speed is everything and money is needed urgently, it is most in demand. For this reason, it is chosen by most modern businessmen. At its core, it is a modernization of the well-known formula "money – goods – money" adapted to modern conditions in which the Internet occupies a significant place.

The most popular business formula today looks like this: “money – website – contextual advertising – product – money". As you can see, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, you can take work. The essence of the formula is that now it makes little sense to invest money in a product or service, because they are not the main thing, the main thing is customers. Therefore, money must be invested in customers. 

Modern business formula

Business formula as a way to make money

There is no shortage of goods and services as before, on the contrary, supply is greater than demand. In fact, the problem is just the same in getting an effective scheme for obtaining customers. The scheme was developed and proposed above. She says that in order to get customers, you first need a website. And not just a website, but an adaptive website.

Even if you have a website, this is not enough

An adaptive website is needed because now from 20 to 50% of traffic comes from mobile phones. Almost all people use the Internet, and many only them. If you do not have a website, then 95% of your clients are not available to you. Even if you have a website, this is not enough. Major search engines are now set up in such a way that they rank poorly for non-responsive sites.

This is understandable, because such sites are inconvenient to use from mobile phones. Visited very often leave them immediately after sunset. Therefore, the first thing to do is to order an adaptive website. However, by itself, without visitors, the site is meaningless. There are different ways to get them, but now the most popular option is contextual advertising.

Ideal business formula

Business formula as a way to make money

Effective contextual advertising is popular because it allows you to quickly and without buildup get targeted traffic to the site. Moreover, these will be 99% ready-made customers who do not need to be warmed up for a long time. So, first of all, money is invested in a responsive website, and then in creating customers. As soon as you get customers, you can already invest in goods.

This formula has a downside.

Well, then everything is clear – I sold the goods to customers, I received money. Moreover, the better the site, the better the contextual advertising, the more customers, and, accordingly, the more sales and, as a result, earnings. The proposed business formula works. Verified both personally and by millions of businessmen around the world who have received customers and sales.

With its help, you can get customers in just a few days, if you find those who can quickly make websites and set up contextual advertising. If you have a sum of money on hand, then you can turn it into customers within 5-10 days. This formula has a downside. She brings clients quickly, but they can end up being very expensive.

Formula for a successful business

Business formula as a way to make money

A customer can click, go to the site and not buy anything. 10 or even 100 clients can do this. Only 101 can buy. As a result, you will only earn money on it, but earnings may be small. Obviously, the goal is to make sure that the number of those who clicked on your ad and those who actually bought it was close to 1 to 1.

Only in this case the maximum result will be obtained.

This means that, ideally, you need to make sure that everyone who comes in makes a purchase. The ideal, of course, is unattainable, but it's worth trying to get closer to it, because in this case you will earn maximum money. It is clear that you will not be able to please everyone even if you try hard. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately cut off those who definitely will not buy anything.

This can be done by broadcasting a specific idea to potential customers. People who are not interested in this idea will simply not click on your ad. Yes, you will not have a beautiful number of clicks, but there will be no cost for empty clicks. The idea should be broadcast both in the ad and on the website. Only in this case the maximum result will be obtained. 

Profitable business formula

Business formula as a way to make money

By going to the site, the client must understand that he got to the right place. The site should tell the client that he can implement this idea on it. It can be an idea of ​​a market, a product, a person, a business. Moreover, there should be exactly an idea, and not a thought, as is often the case. To get a real idea, you need to work with legrams.

99% of the result depends on the idea

The proposed formula can be upgraded so that the maximum effect is obtained. The modernized business formula looks like this: money – idea – website – contextual advertising – product – money. The better the idea, the better the result will be. It is from the idea that the result depends on 99%, so you need to work very well on it.

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