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Attitude to money: how the subconscious mind manages your wallet


An important and often difficult topic for many people is a conscious and healthy attitude towards money. From this article you will learn:

  1. .How finance affects all areas of life, whether you have it or not; 
  2. How the energy of money comes and goes;
  3. What is the homeless factor and are you affected by it.

Not everyone has an understanding of how to attract cash flow into their lives and increase the budget. The mechanisms of interaction with money are not limited to the fact that you are studying for a certain profession. And then you get a job and that's how finances come into your life. No. There are other levels of relationships with money.

Attitude to money or how finance affects all areas of life

Whether you have them or not

Money influences our thoughts and actions. They are always there, even if it is not about your bank account.

Have you ever thought that your attitude to money directly affects their amount? But it is not easy to change your attitude towards money.

Your financial situation depends not only on experience and professionalism in a particular area.

Fears, prejudices and negative beliefs can block cash flow even for hardworking and talented people.

So how can you change your attitude to money  and find the roots of your fears, get rid of prejudices and open up to material wealth?

Money is energy

Attitude to money: how the subconscious mind manages your wallet

You can perceive money as something animated or as energy or egregor. In any case, psychologists advise representing finance as an object. For the convenience of working with this area of ​​your life, you can even assign personality, character and personality to money.

Thus, representing money as a living object, it is much easier to build relationships with them than with an elusive abstraction.

All spheres of life are in your power, including prohibitions and desires related to money. Despite the fact that your subconscious may contain destructive programs, you can learn to recode them and direct financial flows towards yourself, and not away from yourself.

You are in control of your cash flow. Regardless of whether you know about it

What does it mean? Let's take a look at the classic personal finance attitude of the average person:

He has no savings, he lives paycheck to paycheck. In one of the articles we already wrote about this. By combining all the factors of financial failure into one concept of the "homeless factor", we have collected the very factors that, as a rule, prevent you from seeing your own potential and using it.

The homeless factor includes those who:

  • scolds money
  • doesn't like money
  • shows down, often repeating the phrase affirmation "no money, no money" or something similar.
  • works hard and believes that earning money is hard work.
  • fights for well-being, but space answers them with the opposite. The more effort is applied, the less, in the end, a person receives.
  • grow professionally and intellectually, gain experience and become more and more valuable employees, but the salary remains at the same level.
  • has grown as a professional in his salary, but, having reached the ceiling, he does not have the opportunity to build on a couple more “financial floors".

Do you recognize yourself in the above points? We recommend that you read this article carefully.

What role do the conscious and subconscious mind play in shaping your relationship with money?

Often, on a conscious level, we really want something, but on a subconscious level, we reject it. From this contradiction, the impossibility of achieving goals is born. This also works for money.

You may think that you want to become a successful and rich person, but a completely different program may be embedded in the subconscious mind. Since the subconscious mind has "more rights" to control the actions and decisions of the individual than the conscious mind, it can successfully save you from success and financial gain again and again. How does it do it?

The subconscious mind is controlled by programs laid down in childhood or formed as a result of traumatic events of the past. But some programs are much older and, therefore, it is much more difficult to “recode” or even extract them from the subconscious. So how do you negotiate with your own subconscious so that it stops reproducing outdated defense programs?

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