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150 Money Powerful Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance


Do you feel unworthy of success? Or does he not deserve money and abundance? You are not alone. Many people have some limiting or negative beliefs when it comes to money.

150 Money Powerful Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance

They feel unworthy and guilty about wanting to be rich, as if it were something sinful. Developing a positive money mindset will change the way you think about money and attract abundance into your life.

One way to do this is to practice positive affirmations. As one of the powerful tools of the Law of Attraction, positive claims are also backed by scientific research. Repeating affirmations is believed to regularly manifest your desires, famous people such as Lady Gaga and Oprah have also shown success with affirmations.

If you want to develop a positive money mindset, then use this huge list of 125 money affirmations to change your negative attitude towards wealth and abundance.

Unhealthy attitude towards money.

Consider these familiar statements.

I will never be rich.

I'm not lucky when it comes to money.

I am now too old to be rich.

Money is the root of all evil.

My parents didn't leave me much.

Nobody in my family is rich.

Not everyone can be rich.

You can never become rich honestly.

People change when they have money.

Money will never let you rest.

I don't understand anything about money and finance.

I don't have enough resources to earn more money.

Do these sentences sound familiar to you? If yes, then you urgently need to change your attitude towards wealth and focus on your financial well-being.

Part of the problem here lies in our internal criticism, which imposes negative thinking in all areas of your life. You may notice that some people are downright insecure about their appearance or what others think of them.

Unfortunately, as we keep repeating these negative thoughts in our minds, we have begun to doubt ourselves and doubt our abilities. These negative thought patterns become our reality.

But constantly focusing on negative thoughts will cause you to be demotivated and put you at greater risk of depression.

The power of positive thinking

There has been a lot of research done on positive thinking. Some have even found a complex relationship between positive self-talk and success.

The Mayo Clinic article lists the health benefits of positive thinking, which include:

“Increased Lifespan

Lower rates of depression

Lower distress levels

Great resistance to colds

Improving psychological and physical well-being

Improving cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular disease

Better Coping Skills for Difficulties and Stresses"

If positive thinking is so beneficial, then why are you wasting your precious time doubting yourself? Remember that you are just as worthy and capable of creating abundant life as anyone else. So stop doubting yourself.

Positive Thinking with Self Affirmations

Positive or self-affirmations are positive statements aimed at the realization of your goals and desires. The uniqueness of affirmations is that they are repeated as you have already received what you wanted.

As an integral part of the Law of Attraction, affirmations reinforce the belief that whatever you desire is coming to you.

You must express your desire for the universe with unwavering faith in your dreams.

There are so many famous personalities like Lady Gaga and Will Smith who actively use positive affirmations and vouch for their power.

Speaking about his experience, actor Jim Carrey said: “I wrote myself a check for $10 million…. I dated it Thanksgiving 1995 and put it in my wallet… just before Thanksgiving 1995 I discovered… I was going to make $10 million on Dumb and Dumber.

Even the psychological benefits of self-assertion are well known. Positive psychology says, “The practice and popularity of positive affirmations is based on a widely accepted and well-established psychological theory…the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, involved in positive evaluation and processing of self-related information, becomes more active when we consider our personal values.”

What are Wealth Affirmations?

Money affirmations can be about creating a financially secure life through better earnings, achieving specific money goals, or better money management.

But your money mindset is important here, remember that we attract what we think, if you want to attract wealth and abundance into your life, you must actively strive to remove any recurring negative thoughts.

Focus on your strengths, set some reasonable goals, work hard, repeat your affirmations, and know that good things await you.

How Often Should You Practice Money Affirmations?

When it comes to making money, there are no fixed deadlines, you can start using the app anywhere and anytime. But I would suggest practicing affirmations daily and consistently.

The main thing is to repeat this several times a day. It hardly takes 10 minutes of your time, so it's completely up to you when to exercise. Create a calm environment to better focus.

Also, try to repeat this whenever you feel down, depressed, or stressed.

Repeat affirmations in front of a mirror

Many people write down their affirmations in front of the mirror in their bathrooms or bedrooms so they can conveniently repeat them every time they see the list.

Talking in front of a mirror does feel weird at first, but it makes you feel empowered, seeing you affirm affirmative sentences is also a good way to improve your communication skills.

Visualize Your Statements

You can use the visualization technique to manifest money.

As you say your affirmations, close your eyes and imagine that you are rich and living in your dream home. Feel the joy of actually achieving all of your money goals.

Visualization techniques can be tricky at first, just like believing in affirmations when you're just starting out, so I highly recommend creating a vision board to help you with your affirmations.

A vision board is a collection of pictures and words that represent your dream or what you want in life. Here are some amazing vision board ideas you can use to develop good habits.

Write Your Statements

If you enjoy journaling, write some of your own affirmations. This way you can create your own personalized affirmations as well as keep your thoughts private.

Rachel Hollis, a popular blogger and personal development author, writes an affirmation every day, she formulates her affirmations “as if it had already happened.”

Her book, Girl, Wash Yourself: Stop Believing The Lies About Who You Are To Become Who You Should Have Been is for women who seriously doubt themselves and believe all the lies they tell themselves.

Use Positive Language In Affirmations

Negative words like "can't", "won't" or "don't" are completely avoided in affirmations as positive language is important to your brain.

Whenever you say something, your mind creates a mental image. It doesn't matter to your mind whether it is a positive or a negative statement.

For example, when you say "I won't spend any more money," the next thing you know, your mind is creating these images of all the ways you can spend your money, just try and watch.

Instead, if you say, "I'm saving more money every day," your mind will conjure up supportive images like a piggy bank.

Create your statements in the present tense

The emphasis when using affirmations is on the present moment. Words that point to the past or future don't have the same effect on your brain.

“I will” or “I had” is not as strong as “I am”.

So start with statements like "I am" to help your brain visualize the positive changes happening right now. Use encouraging words such as blessed, joyful, amazing, loving, etc.

Affirmation of Wealth and Abundance

Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.

I remove all my mental blocks to attract money.

I am a powerful money magnet.

I attract huge sums of money into my life.

The universe is constantly supplying me with surplus wealth.

My money keeps doubling.

I accept and receive unexpected money.

I attract wealth wherever I am.

Money just falls in my lap.

People love to give me money.

I raise money for any venture I take on.

I am grateful for this life of abundance and prosperity.

At this very moment, I am attracting money.

The universe bathes me in luxury.

I live a harmonious life in abundance.

My financial well-being is growing every moment.

I accept abundance.

I feel great joy when I receive money.

Money falls into my hands miraculously.

An abundance of money is entering my life right now.

Everything I need to create wealth is available to me right now.

My finances are improving beyond imagination.

I am open to getting money in my life.

Money always chooses me.

Money is drawn to me, always.

Money is pouring into my life.

I love to raise money.

I'm attracting more money right this minute.

I allow prosperity to fill my life.

Money brings a lot of good energy into my life.

I am open to all the wealth that the Universe gives me.

I am rich and wealthy.

I imagine myself blessed with prosperity.

Wealth comes to me from all directions.

I breathe in abundance and let go of all doubts.

My energy is aligned with the spirit of abundance.

I happily attract money into my life.

Money is all around me.

I am grateful for the opportunity to show money.

Raising money comes naturally to me.

It is easy for me to change my financial situation.

I take back my monetary power.

Affirmations about being comfortable with money

I love money.

My positive attitude is to attract money.

I am worthy of a life of financial prosperity and abundance.

I deserve to be rich.

Now I feel rich and wealthy.

I am comfortable handling large amounts of money.

I've come to terms with the fact that I have a lot of money.

I release all negative energy because of money.

I have a positive attitude towards money.

I got rid of all my limiting beliefs about money.

Having money, I feel calm and confident.

I allow myself to flourish and be happy.

I am grateful for the wealth that is within me.

I am grateful for all the luxury that money brings me.

Money, peace and prosperity coexist in my life.

Money brings me joy and comfort.

I only think positive thoughts about money.

I have a harmonious relationship with money.

I am the owner of my wealth.

Money serves me.

It's safe for me to be rich.

Money is the source of my blissful life.

I got rid of all my fears related to money.

I heal my relationships with money.

I am grateful for all the money I have now.

I am grateful for all the money I am raising right now.

I trust money and enjoy it.

Financial security is my new reality.

Financial security brings me peace.

I am an excellent financial manager. I successfully save money.

Prudent Use of Wealth Claims

I take great joy in using my money for the benefit of others.

My money is working hard for me to bring me more and more money.

The more I give, the richer I get.

The money I invest and spend is returned multiplied by 10 times.

I like to manage my money and I'm good at it.

I maintain good financial discipline and spend money wisely.

I don't have debts.

I track my expenses and stick to a budget.

I am aware of the value that money brings to my life.

I am creating a financially secure future for myself and my family.

Money allows me to pay bills ahead of time.

The more generous I am with money, the more it comes back to me.

I use money to improve my life and the lives of others.

The more I contribute, the more my wealth increases.

My money changes the world for the better.

I like to give money a good house.

Money always gives me positive impressions.

I am grateful that my money contributes to the economy.

Money opens up new possibilities for me.

I invest my money wisely.

I can buy things that I like.

I spend my money responsibly.

I feel so grateful for providing a comfortable life for those I love.

I can generously give and serve.

Wealth gives me the opportunity to help countless people.

Money statements on how to make better money

The universe provides me with new opportunities to increase wealth.

It's getting easier for me to make money.

I create multiple streams of income.

I respect my ability to earn money.

My income is constantly growing.

I have endless potential to make money.

I am proud to be financially independent and successful.

I'm rich and I live on my own terms.

My bank account is constantly replenished with money.

I overcome all financial obstacles.

I easily achieve my money goals.

My ability to generate wealth is increasing every day.

I like making money and I truly love my job.

My income always exceeds my expenses.

I have my dream job.

My salary has grown beyond my wildest dreams.

I received a solid bonus for my hard work.

I understand the importance of money and the freedom it gives.

I receive income for the life I dream of.

I accept the flow of money from several sources.

I can use my skills to bring in more money anytime.

Through hard work, I create the life I dream of.

I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.

Statements that you have a lot of money

Money is a rich resource in my life.

Financial success belongs to me and I accept it now.

I have enough money to enjoy my daily life freely.

I prefer to stay focused on abundance.

I can afford whatever I want.

The universe gives enough money for everyone.

I am grateful that I bathe in abundance.

I always have more than enough money for everything I need.

The Universe cares about my well-being and the well-being of my family.

All my financial needs are met.

I get rich doing what I love.

Abundance within me and around me.

Prosperity in me and around me.

Money loves me. Money is good for me.

My life is full of wealth besides money.

Money is on my mind. My mind creates money.

I have a millionaire mindset.

I am happy, healthy and rich.

Money comes easily, often and in abundance.

Every day, in every way, I become richer and prosperous.

I radiate prosperity, money and wealth.

Finally, Do Money Affirmations Work?

As I said, affirmations work on a subconscious level. Essentially, affirmations change your mindset towards abundance rather than scarcity, positive things rather than harmful thoughts. No, money affirmations won't make you instantly rich, but trust the process, be patient, and trust me, it will change your relationship with money for the better. The moment this happens, you will see the magic unfold.

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